Soil Science One Liners Question Part-14

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Soil Science One Liners For All Agricultural Exams

Soil Science One LinersSoil Science One Liners
Subject:- Soil Science
Special 30 One Liner Questions
  Questions Answer
1 The rate of unsaturated flow is in the following order?  Sand <loam <clay
2 Mechanically formed rocks are?  Sand stone shale
3 The rate of saturated flow water in soils in the order?  Sandy > loam > clay
4 The soil which are most suitable for the most of the crops are? Sandy loam
5 Infiltration rate is relatively higher in?  Sandy soil
6 Which soil warmed up quickly? Sandy soil
7 Argemone toxicity is due to alkaloids? Sanguinarine
8 Quantity-Intensity relationships of P was given by?  Schofield
9 The concept of pF given by?  Schofield(1935)
10 Lime requirement is given by?  Shoemaker
11 The most active portion of soil is? Silt
12 The fine earth covering land surface acts as a reservoir of nutrients and water?  Soil
13 Which is best suitable method for application Ca, B, S, and Mo? Soil application
14 Synthetic chemicals added to the soil to improve the soil structure called?  Soil conditioners
15 Universal soil loss equation A = RKLSCP, K denotes?  Soil erodability

Soil Science One Liners

  Questions Answer
16 Susceptibility of soil to erosion is termed? Soil Erodibility
17 The silica – sesquioxide ratio is most important index of ? Soil erodibility
18 The ability of soil to supply adequately the nutrients normally taken from the soil by plants?  Soil fertility
19 Analysis of soil physical chemical and biological properties is known as? Soil health
20 Summer plough improve? Soil structure
21 The arrangement of primary particles and their aggregates called?  Soil structure
22 Physical property which can’t be changed is? Soil texture
23 The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay is termed as?  Soil texture
24 The optimimum physical condition of the soil for crop growth is called?  Soil tilth
25 The saline – alkali soil is also known as?  Usar
26 The capacity of the soil to change its shape under moist conditions?  Soil Plasticity
27 The vertical section of soil with different layers is known as? Soil profile
28 The lowest category in soil taxonomy?  Soil series
29 Dominant type of wind erosion in soil?  Saltation
30 What are the types of soil movement in the process of wind erosion??  Saltation, Suspension and Surface creep


Soil Science One Liners

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