Soil Science MCQ – 21

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Soil Science MCQ – 21

Soil Science MCQ

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Soil Science MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Mitscherlich factor for phosphorus is?

  1. 0.301
  2. 0.4
  3. 1.22
  4. 0.6

Answer: 4


Q.2: If we add 24.5g H2SO4 in 500 mL water, its normality will be?

  1. 0.5 N
  2. 2 N
  3. 1 N
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3


Q.3: With addition of electrolytes in a soil-colloidal system, thickness of Double Diffuse Layer will?

  1. Increase
  2. Decrease
  3. Remain unaffected
  4. Hard to tell

Answer: 2


Q.4: Removal of Ca will be more in?

  1. Grasses and fodders
  2. Root crop
  3. Fruits
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1


Q.5: Soil materials deposited by glaciers is?

  1. Marine
  2. Moraine
  3. Till
  4. Both B and C

Answer: 4


Q.6: Keys to Soil Taxonomy came in the year of?

  1. 1960
  2. 1975
  3. 1990
  4. 1951

Answer: 3


Q.7: In a muck soil or soil having higher organic matter content, which deficiency of which element will be encountered first?

  1. Zn
  2. Cu
  3. Co
  4. Fe

Answer: 2


Q.8: The ionic strength of 0.05 M CaCl2 solution will be?

  1. 0.3
  2. 0.15
  3. 0.4
  4. 0.6

Answer: 2


Q.9: Dielectric constant of dry soil is?

  1. 3-6
  2. 4-23
  3. 20-30
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1


Q.10: Clay mineral with limited expansion?

  1. Vermiculite
  2. Illite
  3. Bentonite
  4. Beidellite

Answer: 1

Soil Science MCQ – 21

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