Social Science MCQ – 36

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Social Science MCQ – 36

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Social Science MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: The slogan ‘Garibi Hatao’ was introduced in?

  1. Second plan
  2. Fifth plan
  3. First plan
  4. Fourth plan

Answer: 2

Q.2: The social relationships are direct, face to face and informal in?

  1. Voluntary group
  2. Secondary group
  3. Primary group
  4. Congregate group

Answer: 3

Q.3: The statement that in the process of production and distribution of goods, income is generated and distributed amongst the factors of production was given by ?

  1. Keynes
  2. Classical economist
  3. J.B. Say
  4. Marshal

Answer: 3

Q.4: The structure of primary cooperative credit societies have ?

  1. Three-tier
  2. Four-tier
  3. Two-tier
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1

Q.5: The substitution effect for a fall in the price of a commodity is given by?

  1. A movement up on given IC
  2. A movement from a higher to lower IC
  3. A movement down on given IC
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3

Q.6: The sum total amount of production cost and marketing cost is equal to?

  1. Retail Price
  2. Wholesale Price
  3. Target price
  4. Supply price

Answer: 1

Q.7: The tenancy reform had laid down that the rent should not exceed which per cent of gross produce?

  1. 25-30
  2. 10-15
  3. 20-25
  4. 5-10

Answer: 3

Q.8: The term ‘Absolute Poverty’ implies ?

  1. Poverty in terms of the prevailing price level
  2. Poverty in terms of the basic minimum calorie Requirements
  3. Poverty in terms of absolute number of people
  4. Poverty in terms of the absolute level of unemployment

Answer: 2

Q.9: The term ‘Bank rate’ indicates?

  1. The Reserve Bank of India gives credit to comm-ercial banks
  2. A bank lends to the public
  3. The Reserve Bank of India lends to the public
  4. The Government of India lends to other countries

Answer: 1

Q.10: The term ‘Black money’ usually indicates?

  1. Tax evaded income
  2. Counterfeit currency
  3. Illegally earned money
  4. Money earned through underhand deals

Answer: 1

Social Science MCQ – 36

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