Social Science MCQ – 3

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Social Science MCQ – 3

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Social Science MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: A consumer spends money earned by him according to the law of ?

  1. Equi-marginal utility
  2. Increasing cost
  3. Diminishing marginal utility
  4. Least cost

Answer: 1

Q.2: A crop loan more than ` 1,00,000 will require?

  1. Personal securityv
  2. Registered mortgage of land
  3. Equitable mortagage
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2

Q.3: A farmer decides to stop growing paddy and instead use the land to cultivate potato. The amount of potential profit lost by not growing paddy represents that farmer’s?

  1. Opportunity cost
  2. Variable cost
  3. Marginal cost
  4. Fixed costs

Answer: 1

Q.4: A filmstrip normally contains __ half frames. ?

  1. 20-40
  2. 40-72
  3. 20-28
  4. 36-72

Answer: 2

Q.5: A high inflation rate usually leads to worsen payment balance because ?

  1. Prices of imported goods fall and hence more is imported
  2. Prices of exported goods rise making exports less competitive
  3. Prices of imported goods rise
  4. Prices of exported goods fall and hence less amount is obtained in terms of foreign exchange

Answer: 2

Q.6: A legal right to exclusive publication, production, sale, distribution of some work is called?

  1. Patent
  2. Copyright
  3. Trade Mark
  4. TRIPS

Answer: 2

Q.7: A manager ultimately aims at?

  1. Creating surplus
  2. Creating profit
  3. Creating innovation
  4. Managing

Answer: 1

Q.8: A method not used to estimate national income is ?

  1. Export – import method
  2. Income method
  3. Value – added method
  4. Expenditure method

Answer: 1

Q.9: A rolling plan was a plan for duration of ?

  1. Five years
  2. Three years
  3. One year
  4. Four years

Answer: 3

Q.10: A series of mirror surround the flat platen of projector in case of ?

  1. Overhead projector
  2. Slide projector
  3. Flim-strips
  4. Epidiascope

Answer: 4

Social Science MCQ – 3

In Agriculture MCQ Study for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) Iffco, Kribhco, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA,  ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor ,Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam.

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