Plant Biotechnology JRF 2020

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Plant Biotechnology JRF 2020 Question Paper

Plant Biotechnology JRF 2020

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Q.1 Which type of RNA molecules make up more than 809% of the total RNA in the cell?

  1. rRNA
  2. mRNA
  3. tRNA
  4. SnRNA


Q.2 The H-O-H bond angle in water is?

  1. 103°
  2. 104.5°
  3. 106°
  4. 107.5°


Q.3 The chromosome complement of 2n-2 is?

  1. Monosomy
  2. Trisomy
  3. Nullisomy
  4. Double nullisomy


Q.4 The growth rate, which is also called as Efficiency Index, is?

  1. Crop Growth Rate (CGR)
  2. Net Assimilation Rate (NAR)
  3. Absolute Growth Rate (AGR)
  4. Relative Growth Rate (RGR)

Relative Growth Rate (RGR)

Q.5 Which of the following is a w (Omega) -9 fatty acid?

  1. Erucic acid
  2. Palmitoleic acid
  3. Gamma-Linolenic acid
  4. Eicosapentenoic acid

Erucic acid

Q.6 The enzyme involved in removal of RNA primer in DNA replication process is?

  1. DNA polymerase
  2. DNA primase
  3. Endonuclease
  4. RNA polymerase

DNA polymerase

Q.7 Which one of the following CANNOT be considered as a Climacteric fruit?

  1. Citrus
  2. Banana
  3. Mango
  4. Apple


Q.8 Chromosomes are relaxed to the maximum at?

  1. Interphase
  2. Telophase
  3. Metaphase
  4. Prophase


Q.9 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: The catalytic efficiency of an enzyme cannot exceed the diffusion-controlled rate of the combination of enzyme and substrate to form Enzyme-Substrate (ES) complex.

Statement II: The catalytic efficiency of an enzyme is defined by the ratio, Kcat/Km

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement l is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

Q.10 Energy bonds in double helix structure of DNA, which are responsible for holding the two strands together are?

  1. Covalent bonds
  2. Sulfur bonds
  3. Hydrogen bonds
  4. Zinc finger motifs

Hydrogen bonds

Q.11 Which one of the following elements can cause necrosis of the young meristematic region,when present in insufficient amounts for plant physiological processes?

  1. Calcium
  2. Potassium
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Magnesium


Q.12 Which one of the following nucleosides has been shown to be functioning as a local hormone to control various physiological functions in humans?

  1. Adenosine
  2. Inosine
  3. Guanosine
  4. Cytidine


Q.13 A doubled haploid (DH) plant is?

  1. Always vigorous
  2. Cent per cent homozygous
  3. Cent per cent heterozygous
  4. Always true breeding in cross pollinated species

Cent per cent homozygous

Q.14 In vegetative tissues and seeds, phosphorous is stored in the form of?

  1. Glutein
  2. Phytin
  3. Calmodulin
  4. Zein


Q.15 Which of the following sugars enters in the glycolysis via Leloir pathway?

  1. Fructose
  2. Mannose
  3. Galactose
  4. Deoxyribose


Q.16 The most active metabolite of Vitamin-D, which helps in the regulation of calcium and phosphorous metabolism is?

  1. 1-hydroxy Cholecalciferol
  2. 25-hydroxy Cholecalciferol
  3. 1,25-dihydroxy Cholecalciferol
  4. Ergocalciferol

1,25-dihydroxy Cholecalciferol

Q.17 The term “Biological Yield” is given by?

  1. West, Briggs and Kid
  2. Watson
  3. Blackman VS
  4. Nichiporovich


Q.18 The first step of Calvin cycle in Ca plant is?

  1. Carboxylation
  2. Regeneration
  3. Protonation
  4. Reduction


Q.19 Which one of the following plants does NOT belong to the family of CAM plants?

  1. Pineapple
  2. Agave
  3. Sugarcane
  4. Cacti


Q.20 Which one of the following vitamins is required for the conversion of deoxyuridine diphosphate (dUDP) to deoxy thymidine diphosphate (dTDP)?

  1. Riboflavin
  2. Biotin
  3. Folic acid
  4. Thiamin

Folic acid

Q.21 In photosystem-1 (PS-1) the pigment molecules absorb maximum light at?

  1. 660 nm
  2. 680 nm
  3. 700 nm
  4. 720 nm

700 nm

Q.22 Tumor cells can be identified in PET scan as sites of unusually high 2-[18F] fluoro-2- deoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation, as?

  1. Glycolysis occurs at a very high rate in these cells as compared to the normal cells
  2. Glycolysis occurs at a very low rate in these cells as compared to the normal cells
  3. Fluorine inhibits TCA Cycle in tumorous cells
  4. FDG is not acted upon by the hexokinase enzyme

Glycolysis occurs at a very high rate in these cells as compared to the normal cells

Q.23 How many protons are released on the cytoplasmic side of Inner Mitochondrial Membrane by complex III for every two protons taken up from its matrix side?

  1. Four
  2. Two
  3. Eight
  4. One


Q.24 An enzyme involved in initiation of DNA synthesis during replication is?

  1. Telomerase
  2. Holoenzyme
  3. RNA primase
  4. Endonuclease

RNA primase

Q.25 Scientist who had given the name mitochondria?

  1. Richard Altman
  2. Carl Benda
  3. Andreas Schimper
  4. George Palade

Carl Benda

Q.25 The gene that expresses all the time and keeps-up cellular processes are called?

  1. Oncogenes
  2. Progenes
  3. Housekeeping genes
  4. Mutagenes

Housekeeping genes

Q.27 The country that deregulated Golden rice recently to address the deficiency of vitamin A is?

  1. India
  2. Philippines
  3. Indonesia
  4. Bangladesh


Q.28 The type of proteins that are involved in higher order coiling of DNA pOst-nucleosome stage are?

  1. Glycoproteins
  2. Histones
  3. Non-histones
  4. Metallo proteins


Q.29 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Ubiquinone is a lipid-soluble mobile electron carrier commonly referred to as “Coenzyme Q

Statement II: Ubiquinone acts as an electron sink which links transfer of electrons from both NADH and FADH2 to the next complex in the Electron Transport Chain

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

Q.30 Polyploid with multiple complete genomes derived from two or more different species is?

  1. Allopolyploid
  2. Autopolyploid
  3. Aneuploid
  4. Synthetic autopolyploid


Q.31 The process that operates in a diametrically opposite direction to CO2 fixation leading to a loss of photosynthetically fixed CO2 is?

  1. Dark respiration
  2. Photorespiration
  3. Oxidative phosphorylation
  4. De-carboxylation


Q.32 Primary role of post-transcriptional modifications such as 5’capping and 3 poly (A) tailing of mRNA is?

  1. Precision of translation
  2. Stability
  3. Transport to cytoplasm
  4. Relative expression of the gene


Q.33 Inulin is an oligosaccharide of great nutritional significance. It is formed from which one of the following monosacharide(s)?

  1. Fructose
  2. Mannose
  3. Idose
  4. Mannose and ldose


Q.34 Which one of the following rhizobial Nod proteins is activated by flavonoids, secreted by the roots of the legume plants, and induces transcription of other nod genes after its activation?

  1. Nod D
  2. Nod A
  3. Nod B
  4. Nod C

Nod D

Q.35 Which of the following post-translational modification of the proteins may tag them for degradation in 26S proteasome?

  1. Polyubiquitination
  2. Biotinylation
  3. Prenylation
  4. Myristoylation


Q.36 A student in a laboratory diluted 150 mL of 0.2 M acetic acid with 100 ml of 0.1 N NaOH in Beaker A and with 100 ml of water in Beaker B. The pH of the diluted acetic acid in two beakers will be?

  1. 4.46 in both the beakers
  2. 2.84 in both the beakers
  3. 4.46 in beaker A and 2.84 in beaker B
  4. 2.84 in beaker A and 4.46 in beaker B

4.46 in beaker A and 2.84 in beaker B

Q.37 A nucleic acid molecule is a linear polymer in which the monomers- nucleotides are linked together by?

  1. Hydrophobic interactions
  2. lonic bonds
  3. Phosphodiester bonds
  4. Hydrogen bonds

Phosphodiester bonds

Q.38 Which of the following Ecoli DNA polymerase possesses both 5- and 3- Exonucleolytic activity and is thus its own Proofreader and Editor?

  1. DNA Polymerase I
  2. DNA Polymerase II
  3. DNA Polymerase III
  4. DNA Polymerase €

DNA Polymerase I

Q.39 Which of the following is NOT a ketone body?

  1. Acetone
  2. Acetoacetate
  3. B-hydroxy butyrate
  4. Isobutyryl COA

Isobutyryl COA

Q.40 The most abundant protein found in biosphere is?

  1. Rubisco
  2. Peptase
  3. PEP carboxylase
  4. Kinase


Q.41 For thinning in apples, the growth regulator used commercially is?

  1. NAA
  2. 2,4-D
  3. Ethrel
  4. GA3


Q.42 Which of the following statements is true about the D-Glucose and D-Talose?

  1. Both are enantiomeric pairs
  2. Both are epimers
  3. Both are merely diastereomers and not epimers
  4. D-Glucose is an aldohexose while D-Talose is a ketopentose

Both are merely diastereomers and not epimers

Q.43 Resistance development by some weeds against specific weedicide is due to?

  1. Gene mutation
  2. Elevated expressivity of genes
  3. Genetic recombination
  4. Favorable environmental conditions

Gene mutation

Q.44 A molecular marker that samples genome in a random and genome-wide manner is?

  1. CAPS
  2. SNP
  3. RAPD
  4. SSR


Q.45 Which one of the following organelles contains enzymes that help in converting stored fatty acids into sugars in germinating seeds?

  1. Dictyosomes
  2. Oleosomes
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Glyoxysomes


Q.46. The plant cellular organelles that contribute to the extra-chromosomal inheritance are?

  1. Nucleus
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Chloroplast and nucleus
  4. Mitochondria and chloroplast

Mitochondria and chloroplast

Q.47 In plant cells non-pigmented plastids are called?

  1. Chloroplast
  2. Leucoplast
  3. Amyloplast
  4. Chromoplast


Q.48 An example of crop where the reserve food material in seeds is stored in endosperm is?

  1. Groundnut
  2. Castor
  3. Pigeonpea
  4. Chickpea


Q.49 The identification of specific DNA sequence by Southern Blotting involves the following Procedures?

  1. A) Digestion of the DNA with a restriction enayme
  2. B) Fractionation of DNA fragments
  3. C) Transfer of ssDNA molecules from gel to an absorbent sheet
  4. D) Hybridization of radioactively labelled probe to target DNA[/bg_collapse]

What is the correct sequence in which these procedures are executed?

  1. A-B-C-D
  2. A-D-B-c
  3. D-C-B-A
  4. B-C-A-D


Q50. The natural mode of exchange of genetic material in bacteria is?

  1. Transduction
  2. Conjugation
  3. Mutation
  4. Electroporation


Q.51 A protein has eight cysteine residues. How many possible ways are there to make four disulfide bridges in its structure?

  1. 105
  2. 4096
  3. 24
  4. 1680


Q.52 The bioinformatics tool used to identify microsatellites (repeated motifs) in a genomeis?

  1. Primer 3 plus
  2. MISA
  3. Codon-code-aligner
  4. SNP digger


Q.53 Correcting a genetic disorder by the way of introduction of normal gene in place of a missing or defective one is referred to as?

  1. Gene therapy
  2. Gene conversion
  3. Gene donation
  4. Gene regulation

Gene therapy

Q.54 The instrument used for the measurement of water potential of plant tissues is?

  1. Hygrometer
  2. Porometer
  3. Pressure chamber
  4. Infra-red gas analyze

Pressure chamber

Q.55 The water potential of pure water is always?

  1. -1.0 MPa
  2. 0.0 MPa
  3. +1.0 MPa
  4. Infinite MPa

0.0 MPa

Q.56 The activity of enzyme Pyruvate Dehydrogenase is regulated by which one of the following modifications?

  1. Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation
  2. Carboxylation/Decarboxylation
  3. Methylation/Demethylation
  4. Glucosylation/Deglucosylation


Q.57 The crops that flower when the day length exceeds a critical duration in a 24-hour cycle are called?

  1. Short-day plants
  2. Long-day plants
  3. Day-neutral plants
  4. Sort-long-day plants

Long-day plants

Q.58 Nobel Prize was awarded to Fire and Melo for the discovery of?

  1. CRISPR-Cas 9
  2. T-DNA
  3. Somaclonal variation
  4. RNA interference

RNA interference

Q.59 Cryopreservation of plant material using liquid nitrogen (-196 9C) for conservation eventualities is a?

  1. Long-term strategy
  2. Short term
  3. Ad hoc strategy
  4. Medium term strategy

Long-term strategy

Q.60 Nucleotides differ from nucleosides with respect to?

  1. Sugar
  2. Phosphate
  3. Nitrogen base
  4. Sugar and nitrogen base


Q.61 The unit of Leaf Area Index (LAI) is?

  1. m2g-1
  2. g m2
  3. g g-1
  4. Dimension less

Dimension less

Q.62 The empirical formula of the chlorophyll molecule is?

  1. C55 H72 O5 N4 Mg
  2. C55 H70 O6 N4 Mg
  3. C50 H72 O5 N4 Mg
  4. C50 H70 O6 N4 Mg

C55 H72 O5 N4 Mg

Q.63 Which of the following is NOT the most commonly used marker gene for plant transtormation?

  1. Nopaline synthase (nos)
  2. β-glucouronidase (gus)
  3. Luciferase (lux)
  4. Cy1Ac gene

Cy1Ac gene

Q.64 A polyketide that inhibits the enzyme ATP synthase by blocking the movement of protons through its Fo unit is?

  1. Oligomycin
  2. Thermogenin
  3. Dicumaro
  4. Demerol


Q.65 The common bio-assay used to detect the hormone brassinosteriod is?

  1. Dwarf rice lamina inclination bio-assay
  2. Cucumber cotyledon expansion bio-assay
  3. Triple response bio-assay in etiolated seedling
  4. Oat coleoptile elongation bio-assay

Dwarf rice lamina inclination bio-assay

Q.66 The crop plant with the highest amount of water requirement is?

  1. Wheat
  2. Maize
  3. Cotton
  4. Sugarcane


Q.67 Some plants have solar-tracking mechanisms and such mechanisms of bending towards sunlight is referred to as?

  1. Gravitropism
  2. Heliotropism
  3. Photoperiodism
  4. Phototropism


Q.68 The pH of 10 M HCl solution will be?

  1. 8.00
  2. 6.00
  3. 6.96
  4. 1.00


Q.69 Which one of the following nutrient element remains in ionic form and is the main cation in establishing plant cell turgor?

  1. Potassium
  2. Phosphorus
  3. Boron
  4. Sulfur


Q.70 Which of the following reagents cannot be used for the determination of the N-terminus of the protein?

  1. 24-Dinitro fluorobenzene
  2. Dansyl chloride
  3. Phenylisothiocyanate
  4. Hydrazine


Q.71 Which one of the following sugars is/ are non-reducing?

  1. Only Sucrose
  2. Only Trehalose
  3. Both Sucrose and Trehalose
  4. Neither Sucrose nor Trehalose

Both Sucrose and Trehalose

Q.72 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A.National Institute for Rural Development I.Coimbatore
B.Central Agricultural University II.Hyderabad
C.ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute III.Raipur
D.ICAR- National Institute of Biotic Stress Management IV.Imphal

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A-III, B- II, C-IV, D-I
  2. A-I, B-III, C- II, D- IV
  3. A- IV, B- I, C- III, D- II
  4. A-II, B- IV, C- I, D- III

A-II, B- IV, C- I, D- III

Q.73 The absorbance of 0.1 M solution (A) of a compound “X” is 0.5, when measured using a cuvette of 1 cm length. Another solution (B) of the same compound, with unknown concentration, gave an absorbance of 0.125 using same cuvette. What is the expected concentration of solution B?

  1. 0.025 M
  2. 0.11 M
  3. 0.05 M
  4. 0.4 M

0.025 M

Q.74 Which of the following are Bioinformatics databases?

  2. BLAST
  4. GenBank

Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. A and B only
  2. B and D only
  3. A, C and D
  4. B, C and D

A, C and D

Q.75 The crop plant tolerant to available iron in soils is?

  1. Brinjal
  2. Sugarbeet
  3. Citrus
  4. Guava


Q.76 The place or site of oxidative phosphorylation in plant cell is?

  1. Matrix of mitochondria
  2. Inner mitochondrial membrane
  3. Cytoplasm of cells
  4. Outer mitochondrial membrane

Inner mitochondrial membrane

Q.77 Oxidation of one glucose molecule under anaerobic respiration gives?

  1. 2 ATP
  2. 8 ATP
  3. 30 ATP
  4. 36 ATP


Q.78 The vector that could be used in two different systems/ hosts are called?

  1. Cosmids
  2. Phagemids
  3. Shuttle vectors
  4. Plasmids

Shuttle vectors

Q.79 The Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorhiza genus, which plays an important role in P-cycling and its uptake, is?

  1. Penicillium
  2. Aspergillus
  3. Bacillus
  4. Glomus


Q.80 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Nitrogenase is a catalytically efficient and oxygen-insensitive enzyme

Statement II: The reduction of acetylene to ethylene cannot be used for the estimation of nitrogenase activity

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Q.81 A cluster of genes under the control of a single promoter is called?

  1. Operator
  2. Operon
  3. Oncogene
  4. ORF


Q.82 Calvin’s group used the following plant to identify the intermediates in C3 pathway?

  1. Arabidopsis
  2. Chlorella
  3. Garden pea
  4. Alfalfa


Q.83 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: The cap present at the 5-end of eukaryotic mRNAS is 7-methyl GTP

Statement II: The 5′ cap of eukaryotic mRNAS is essential for their binding by eukaryotic ribosomes and it also enhances their stability

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

Q.84 The transfer DNA (T-DNA) portion of Ti plasmid contains genes for?

  1. Virulence and hormones
  2. Virulence and CDK
  3. Opines and Virulence
  4. Hormones and Opines

Hormones and Opines

Q.85 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Plant stanols are fully reduced forms of the plant sterols

Statement II: Plant stanols esterified with long-chain fatty acids can potentially lower the LDL cholesterol level in humans by effectively blocking the uptake of cholesterol

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are Correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are Correct

Q.86 An example of a model crop in molecular biology is?

  1. Wheat
  2. Pigeon pea
  3. Cowpea
  4. Rice


Q.87 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A.uidA I.Insecticidal gene
B.Cry 1Ac II.Drought tolerance
C.Bt brinjal III.β-glucuronidase
D.DREB gene IV.Fruit and Shoot Borer resistant

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A-III, B-I,C- IV, D- II
  2. A -IV, B I, C- II, D – III
  3. A-I, B-II, C- III, D IV
  4. A-II, B III, C- IV, D-I


Q.88 Light is the signal that controls stomatal movement in plants. The stomatal opening is stimulated by?

  1. Red light
  2. Blue light
  3. Green light
  4. Yellow light

Blue light

Q.89 The water quality is categorized “Excellent” for irigation when the chloride concentration (in meq L-1) is?

  1. Less than 4
  2. 4-7
  3. 7-12
  4. Above 12

Less than 4

Q.90 Urease catalyzes hydrolysis of urea to CO2 and NH4+. Which of the following elements is an essential part of urease?

  1. Boron
  2. Copper
  3. Zinc
  4. Nickel


Q.91 The viruses that infect bacteria are called?

  1. Cosmids
  2. Plasmids
  3. Bacteriophages
  4. Mycoplasma


Q.92 Transgenic papaya variety ‘Rainbow is resistant to?

  1. PRSV
  2. Aphids
  3. Fruit rot
  4. Delayed fruit ripening


Q.93 The DNA replication in prokaryotes is of?

  1. Semi-conservative type
  2. Conservative type
  3. Disruptive type
  4. Semi-disruptive type

Semi-conservative type

Q.94 The reaction “NO3 +NAD(P)H + H+ + 2eNO2 + NAD(P) H2O” is catalyzed by the enzyme?

  1. Nitrate reductase
  2. Nitrite reductase
  3. Glutamate synthase
  4. Aminotransferase

Nitrate reductase

Q.96 The epigenetic modification, which regulates gene expression is?

  1. DNA methylation
  2. Polyadenylation
  3. Splicing of hnRNA
  4. 5’capping of mRNA

DNA methylation

Q.96 The biosynthetic pathway of chlorophyll begins with the compound?

  1. Mevalonic acid
  2. Methionine
  3. Serine
  4. Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid

Q.97 Given below are two statements:

Statement I.  in erythrocytes, seven of the glycolytic reactions operate near equilibrium

Statement II: The driving force for the glycolysis lies in the reactions which are operating near-equilibrium

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Q.98 The linking number (L) of a supercoiled duplex DNA can be equated to its Twist (T) and Writhe (w) by which one of the following expression?

  1. L=T + W
  2. L= T / W
  3. L= T x W
  4. L = T – W

L=T + W

Q.99 The a-helical structure of proteins are the result of formation of hydrogen bonds between which of the following amino acids in its primary structure?

  1. nth and n + 4th
  2. nth and n + 2nd
  3. nth and n + 3rd
  4. nth and n + 5th

nth and n + 2nd

Q.100 The plant hormone that activates many defense responses is?

  1. Linolenic acid
  2. Shikimic acid
  3. Jasmonic acid
  4. Linoleic acid

Jasmonic acid

Q.101 The peptides containing which of the following amino acid are well suited for buffering the physiological pH?

  1. Histidine
  2. Tryptophan
  3. Glycine
  4. Cysteine


Q.102 The sequence of amino acids in a protein during translation process is determined by?

  1. Codons on DNA
  2. rRNA species
  3. tRNA anticodons
  4. mRNA codons

mRNA codons

Q.103 The fatty acids are converted into which one of the following volatile derivative for their separation by Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC)?

  1. Fatty Acid Methyl esters (FAMES)
  2. Fatty alcohols
  3. Amide derivatives
  4. Cyano derivatives

Fatty Acid Methyl esters (FAMES)

Q.104 Which one of the following plant hormones can induce flowering in pineapple?

  1. Abscisic acid
  2. Gibberellins
  3. Brassinosteroid
  4. Ethylene


Q.105 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A.Chlorine I.Auxin Biosynthesis
B.Magnesium II.Oxygen evolution at Photosystem
C.Iron III. Protein and ATP synthesis
D.Zinc IV.Synthesis of the chlorophyll precursor molecule

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A- II, B-III, C- IV, D- I
  2. A-IV, B-I, C- II, D- III
  3. A-III, B- IV, C-I, D- II
  4. A-I, B-II, C- III, D- IV

A- II, B-III, C- IV, D- I

Q.106 First commercialized transgenic crop/variety was?

  1. Ballgard
  2. Flavr savr
  3. Liberty link
  4. Bt brinjal

Flavr savr

Q.107 The most abundant compound(s) that is transported through sieve tubes is?

  1. Armino acids
  2. Organic acids
  3. Proteins
  4. Sucrose


Q.108 35S isotope is commonly used in experiments involving which of the following biomolecules?

  1. Nucleic acids
  2. Proteins
  3. Carbohycrates
  4. Fats and oils


Q.109 A bio-molecular complex composed of four peptides – two identical light chains and two identical heavy chains is called

  1. Hapten
  2. Antibody
  3. Serum
  4. Antigen


Q.110 The 14-3-3 proteins are involved in the post-translational regulation of which one of the following enzymes of nitrogen metabolism?

  1. Nitrite reductase
  2. Nitrate reductase
  3. Nitrogenase
  4. Glutamine synthetase

Nitrate reductase

Q.111 In general, the depth of irrigation water needec per irrigation to irrigate 1 meter depth of clay loam soil profile at 50% soil-moisture availability is?

  1. 20-30 mm
  2. 45-80 mm
  3. 80-120 mm
  4. 120-140 mm

80-120 mm

Q.112 The database used by the ENTREZ for bibliographic search is?

  1. PDB
  2. PubMed
  3. TrEMBL


Q.113 Diffusion of water into the protoplasm contributes to which component of water potential of plant cells?

  1. Solute potential
  2. Pressure potential
  3. Matric potential
  4. Gravitational potential

Pressure potential

Q.114 Which one of the following crop genotypes exhibits the dimorphic structure of leaf called Kranz anatomy?

  1. Rice
  2. Tomato
  3. Groundnut
  4. Sugarcane


Q.115 The in vitro ‘slow growth culture’ is a method used for?

  1. Genetic transformation
  2. Conservation of plant genetic resources
  3. Induction of somaclonal variation
  4. Elimination of latent contamination

Conservation of plant genetic resources

Q.116 The symbol “Ѱ” in the TѰC stem-loop of the t-RNA denotes which one of the following?

  1. Pseudouridine
  2. Thiouridine
  3. Ribothymidine
  4. Inosine


Q.117 Majority of the t-RNA molecules have the following sequence at their 3-end?

  1. CCA-3′-OH
  2. CGA-3′-OH
  3. GGA-3′-OH
  4. AAA-3′-OH


Q.118 Which one of the following hormone functions as a “morphogen” during embryogenesis?

  1. Auxin
  2. Cytokinin
  3. Abscisic acid
  4. Ethylene


Q.119 In Hanes-Woolf Plot, graphing of [S)v versus (S) yields a straight line whose slope and Y- intercept respectively are?

  1. Km/Vmax and 1/Vmax
  2. Km/Vmax and -Km
  3. 1/ Vmax and -1/Km
  4. 1/ Vmax and Km/ Vmax

1/ Vmax and Km/ Vmax

Q.120 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Nitrate assimilation in plants ocurs only in roots

Statement II: Plants trensport the nitrite generared by nitrate reduction, immediately, from the cytosol into chloroplast because it is potentially toxic to the cells

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Plant Biotechnology JRF 2020

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