New Agronomy Daily One Liner (17)

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New Agronomy Daily One LinerNew Agronomy Daily One Liner

New Agronomy Daily One Liner

Question Answer
The most common growth limiting factor in acid soil is?  Aluminium
Change in the genome with reference to individual chromosomes called as? Aneuloidy
Potatoes are borne on? Stolon
Hoeing practice before germination refers to? Blind tillage
The edible part of sweet potato(Ipomea batata) is? Adventitious root
Carbon dating technique is used to determine the age of? Fossils
Highest water use efficiency?  CAM>C4> C3
State, where seed law are adopted? Karnataka
A short duration crop in between  main crop is called?  Catch crop
Calcium is Important constituent of?  Cell wall
Solan chalk soils are dominated by?  CI- and SO4 of Ca, Mg, Na.
Vertical heat transfer from warmer area to cooler area? Oasis effect
Crop grown together with each other in specific ratio are called? Companion crop
Irrigation efficiency of loamy soil? 70% (highest)

Question Answer
Exhanthema Disease caused by?  Cu
E-horizon is light in colour because of?  Elluviation
Pest occurs in same area year after year?  Epidemic
Sand drown disease of tobacco? Mg deficiency
Bo is toxic beyond 2 ppm in irrigation water for most of the? Field crops
Pre emergent herbicide?  Fluchloralin
How many Deemed Universities are part of the Indian Council of AgrilResearch?  Four
Non selective translocated herbicide?  Glyphosate
The cattle consuming grasses of low magnesium content suffer from hypomagnesacmia, commonly called as? ‘Grass Tatany’
Particle Density of soil always?  Greater than B.D.
Fragmentation of land takes place throw?  Gully erosion
Optical wave length in remote sensing ranges? 0.3 to 15 ūm
The triazine group of herbicides act by?  Inhibiting root and shoot growth.
In a cell, DNA synthesis takes place in?  Interphase
Triacantanol is a growth stimulant obtains from? Leaves of Lucerne
A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal rainfall is?  Isohyte

New Agronomy Daily One Liner

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