New Agronomy Best One Liners (21)

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New Agronomy Best One Liners
New Agronomy Best One Liners

New Agronomy Best One Liners

  Question Answer
1 finger millet variety possess higher harvest index? Shakti
2 A groundnut thresher is a type of ? spike tooth.
3 Bright sunshine duration? Hrs (Hours)
4 Deficiency symptoms of boron? Flowers do not form and root growth is stunted.
5 Fluff is the seed produced in ? sugarcane.
6 Heterophyllus plants are found as ? Rooted and floating hydrophytes  
7 Indian joumal of Agronomy was published by? ISA (1955)
8 Millet crop is the most efficient converter of ? Solar energy.
9 Plant population of maize in one hectare? 65000
10 Reaper is used? Cut grain crops.
11 Sodium nutrient is replaced in place of potassium in some parts of? halophytes plants. 
12 Tea is also known as? Golden leaf and Queen of beverage crop. 
13 The plant indicator which shows the presence of gold in soil is? Vallozia candida
14 Use of computers to operate machinery is adopted in? Precision farming.
15 Which is a salt tolerant variety of Indian mustard? CS-54

  Question Answer
16 A reaper is used for? Cutting and windrowing.
17 Broad group of tillage operations are? Ploughing, Harrowing and Cultivating.
18 Dehaluming in potato is done for? quality seed tuber
19 Fodder crop Lucerme contains about? 15-20 percent crude protein
20 Heterostyly is observed in? Linseed & brinjal
21 Influence of nitrification in soil pH? Acidic 
22 Mineral active the enzymes involved in respiration? Magnesium and manganese
23 Plant population of rice (SRI)? 116000
24 Reduced tillage adds minimum  mulch in soil? 15-30%
25 Solosodine is toxic substance that is found in? Brinjal.
26 Terracing is adopted where land slope is greater than? 10%.
27 The plough mainly used for breaking hard pan and for deep ploughing with less disturbance to the top layer? Chisel plough 
28 Usually 3 to 6 years are required for conversion of modern agriculture to? sustainable agriculture
29  is a variety of sesame possesses Quardri carpelletum capsule? RT 351
30 Agl is responsible for the formation of the? Cold Cloud.

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