Horticulture MCQ – 9

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Horticulture MCQ – 9

Horticulture MCQ - 9

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Maximum concentration of invert sugar in Jam should not exceed?

  1. 40%
  2. 45%
  3. 50%
  4. 63%

Answer: 1


Q.2: Many fold effects of a gene refers to?

  1. Penetrance
  2. Epistasis
  3. Pleiotropy
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3


Q.3: Malling Merton series is related to?

  1. Apple varieties
  2. Apple rootstocks
  3. Peach varieties
  4. Peach rotstocks

Answer: 2


Q.4: Harvesting stage for watermelon is?

  1. Tender stage
  2. Half mature
  3. Half slip stage
  4. Full slip stage

Answer: 4


Q.5: ____ is used as ethylene scavenger in fruit packaging.?

  1. Potassium metabisulphite
  2. Potassium permanganate
  3. Sodium chloride
  4. Sodium hydroxide

Answer: 2


Q.6: The restricting temperature for growth of broad leaved evergreen trees is?

  1. 5 °C
  2. 8 °C
  3. 10 °C
  4. 13 °C

Answer: 1


Q.7: The ancestor of all cultivated cole crops is?

  1. Brassica oleracea var capitata
  2. Brassica oleracea var oleracea
  3. Brassica oleracea var sylvestris
  4. Brassica oleracea var italica

Answer: 3


Q.8: Often cross-pollinated crops have __ % of crosspollination.?

  1. >5%
  2. 5-10%
  3. <5%
  4. >10%

Answer: 1


Q.9: Which of the following root crop is the most useful for intercrop and companion planting?

  1. Turnip
  2. Carrot
  3. Radish
  4. Beetroot

Answer: 3


Q.10: Chilli variety suitable for colour extraction is?

  1. Puri Red
  2. Arka Abir
  3. Pusa Sadabahar
  4. Arka Suphal

Answer: 2

Horticulture MCQ – 9

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