Horticulture MCQ – 54

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Horticulture MCQ – 54

Horticulture MCQ - 54

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Major aroma component in cooked cabbage is?

  1. Dimethyl trisulphide
  2. Dimethyl disulphide
  3. Allyl propyl disulphide
  4. Sulphur dioxide

Answer: 1


Q.2: Which crop gives higher protein recovery per unit area?

  1. Pea
  2. Gherkin
  3. Carrot
  4. Potato

Answer: 3


Q.3: Sweet orange variety prone to pre harvest fruit drop is?

  1. Jaffa
  2. Blood red malta
  3. Hamlin
  4. Pineapple

Answer: 2


Q.4: Ploidy level in French Marigold is?

  1. Aneuplioid
  2. Diploid
  3. Triploid
  4. Tetraploid

Answer: 4


Q.5: Rosette formation is due to the deficiency of?

  1. Mn
  2. Zn
  3. Cu
  4. Mo

Answer: 2


Q.6: Gynodioecious variety of papaya is?

  1. Pusa delicious
  2. Pusa dwarf
  3. Pusa giant
  4. Pusa nanha

Answer: 1


Q.7: International Registration Authority for Roses is located at?

  1. UK
  2. Canada
  3. USA
  4. Belgium

Answer: 3


Q.8: In metaphase stage of cell division chromosomes are arranged on?

  1. Equatorial plate
  2. Polar plate
  3. Centromere
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1


Q.9: The Ministry of Agriculture has announced the year __ as the “Year of Horticulture”.?

  1. 1995
  2. 2010
  3. 2012
  4. 2018

Answer: 3


Q.10: Amaranth species that is called as Badi Chauli is?

  1. Hypochondriacus
  2. Tricolor
  3. Blitum
  4. Caudatus

Answer: 2

Horticulture MCQ – 54

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