Horticulture MCQ – 51

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Horticulture MCQ – 51

Horticulture MCQ - 51

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Karol is common name for?

  1. Sweet gourd
  2. Bitter gourd
  3. Ivy gourd
  4. Spine gourd

Answer: 4


Q.2: Head Quarter of AICRP on tuber vegetables is located at ____ .?

  1. Kochi, Kerala
  2. Trivendrum, Kerala
  3. Kolkata, West Bengal
  4. Bengaluru, Karnataka

Answer: 2


Q.3: Golden Acre—the variety of cabbage was introduced from which country?

  1. USA
  2. Philippines
  3. Israel
  4. Denmark

Answer: 4


Q.4: Glycoalkaloid providing nematode resistance in tomato is?

  1. Tomarine
  2. Solanine
  3. Tomatine
  4. Nematine

Answer: 3


Q.5: __ is a hybrid variety of brinjal which is most suitable for Bartha making.?

  1. BH-2
  2. BH-1
  3. Pusa Anmol
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1


Q.6: In watermelon, the most important indicator of maturity is?

  1. Days after anthesis
  2. Dull sound when fruit is thumped
  3. Metallic sound when fruit is thumped
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3


Q.7: Ripening mutants rin, nor, Nr are found in which crop?

  1. Muskmelon
  2. Tomato
  3. Chilli
  4. Peas

Answer: 2


Q.8: An example of tropical orchid is?

  1. Vanda
  2. Dendrobium
  3. Onicidium
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4


Q.9: All India Coordinated Vegetable Improvement Project (AICVIP) was started in __ and under this, India is divided into 8 operational zones.?

  1. 1951-52
  2. 1970-71
  3. 1968-69
  4. 1976-77

Answer: 2


Q.10: Crop that is least tolerate soil acidity is?

  1. Okra
  2. Potato
  3. Sweet potato
  4. Chilli

Answer: 1

Horticulture MCQ – 51

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