Horticulture MCQ – 34

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Horticulture MCQ – 34

Horticulture MCQ - 34

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Maximum fruit set in brinjal is seen in?

  1. Short styled flowers
  2. Pseudo short styled
  3. Medium styles
  4. Long styles

Answer: 4


Q.2: Hen and chicken is a disorder of?

  1. Guava
  2. Grape
  3. Litchi
  4. Banana

Answer: 2


Q.3: International Center for Tropical Agriculture is situated at ___.?

  1. Sri Lanka
  2. Peru
  3. Philippines
  4. Colombia

Answer: 4


Q.4: Fruit type in Pomegranate is?

  1. Berry
  2. Hypanthodium
  3. Balausta
  4. Hesperidium

Answer: 3


Q.5: The breakdown of vertical resistance due to the development of a new physiological race is?

  1. Vertifolia effect
  2. Horizontal spread
  3. Pseudoresistance
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1


Q.6: Which growth regulator is a substitute for low chilling treatment?

  1. Auxin
  2. Cytokinin
  3. Gibberellin
  4. ABA

Answer: 3


Q.7: Commercial source for tartaric acid extraction is?

  1. Tamarind
  2. Grapes
  3. Acid lime
  4. Citron

Answer: 2


Q.8: Spanish day is the common name for which plant?

  1. Daisy
  2. Xoconostle
  3. Agave
  4. Yucca

Answer: 4


Q.9: Sulphur containing food is stored in?

  1. AR cans
  2. SR cans
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2


Q.10: Citrus exanthema is caused by?

  1. Cu deficiency
  2. Bo deficiency
  3. Fe deficiency
  4. S deficiency

Answer: 1

Horticulture MCQ – 34

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