Fruit Types And Edible Parts MCQ

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Fruit Types And Edible Parts MCQ

Fruit Types And Edible Parts MCQ

Agriculture MCQs

Q.1: What is the Fruit types of crops and grasses known as?

  1. Caryopsis
  2. Pepo
  3. Amphisarca 
  4. Lomentum

Answer: 1

Q.2: What is the Types of fruit Most of leguminous crops i.e. gram, pea, arhar known as?

  1. Legume/ Pod
  2. Drupe
  3. Pepo
  4. Caryopsis

Answer: 1

Q.3: What is the Fruit types of Groundnut known as?

  1. Lomentum
  2. Nut
  3. Pepo
  4. Amphisarca 

Answer: 1

Q.4: What is the Fruit types of Mango known as?

  1. Drupe
  2. Pome
  3. Berry
  4. Amphisarca 

Answer: 1

Q.5: What is the Fruit types of Ber known as?

  1. Drupe
  2. Berry
  3. Pepo
  4. Pome

Answer: 1

Q.6: What is the Fruit types of Plum known as?

  1. Pepo
  2. Drupe
  3. Nut
  4. Amphisarca 

Answer: 2

Q.7: What is the Fruit types of Datpalm known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Drupe
  3. Amphisarca 
  4. Nut

Answer: 2

Q.8: What is the Fruit types of Tomato known as?

  1. Amphisarca 
  2. Berry
  3. Pome
  4. Drupe

Answer: 2

Q.9: What is the Fruit types of Grape known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Berry
  3. Pome
  4. Amphisarca 

Answer: 2

Q.10: What is the Fruit types of Brinjal known as?

  1. Amphisarca 
  2. Berry
  3. Pepo
  4. Drupe

Answer: 2

Q.11: What is the Fruit types of Banana known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Berry
  3. Drupe
  4. Pome

Answer: 2

Q.12: What is the Fruit types of Chilli known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Berry
  3. Pepo
  4. Pome

Answer: 2

Q.13: What is the Fruit types of Papaya known as?

  1. Pome
  2. Berry
  3. Amphisarca 
  4. Drupe

Answer: 2

Q.14: What is the Fruit types of Citrus spp. known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Hesperidium
  3. Berry
  4. Pome

Answer: 2

Q.15: What is the Fruit types of Pomegranate known as?

  1. Amphisarca 
  2. Pome
  3. Drupe
  4. Blusta

Answer: 4

Q.16: What is the Fruit types of Apple, Pear known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Amphisarca 
  3. Berry
  4. Pome

Answer: 4

Q.17: What is the Fruit types of Bael known as?

  1. Blusta
  2. Pome
  3. Berry
  4. Amphisarca 

Answer: 4

Q.18: What is the Fruit types of Cucurbits known as?

  1. Pome
  2. Berry
  3. Amphisarca 
  4. Pepo

Answer: 4

Q.19: What is the Fruit type of Coconut known as?

  1. Amphisarca 
  2. Pepo
  3. Pome
  4. Nut

Answer: 4

Q.20: What is the Edible part of crops and grasses known as?

  1. Endosperm and Embryo
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Aril

Answer: 1

Q.21: What is the Edible part of most of leguminous crops i.e. gram pea, arhar known as?

  1. Seed/ Cotyledons
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Aril
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 1

Q.22: What is the Edible part of Mango known as?

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Endosperm
  3. Aril
  4. Cotyledons

Answer: 1

Q.23: What is the Edible part of Ber known as?

  1. Apicarp and Mesocarp
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Aril

Answer: 1

Q.24: What is the Edible part of Plum known as?

  1. Apicarp and Mesocarp
  2. Pericarp and Placenta
  3. Seed/ Cotyledons
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 1

Q.25: What is the Edible part of Datpalm known as?

  1. Apicarp and Mesocarp
  2. Pericarp and Placenta
  3. Seed/ Cotyledons
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 1

Q.26: What is the Edible part of Tomato known as?

  1. Pericarp and Placenta
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Aril

Answer: 1

Q.27: What is the Edible part of Grape known as?

  1. Pericarp and Placenta
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Aril

Answer: 1

Q.28: What is the Edible part of Brinjal known as?

  1. Pericarp and Placenta
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Aril

Answer: 1

Q.29: What is the Edible part of Banana known as?

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Pericarp and Placenta
  4. Aril

Answer: 3

Q.30: What is the Edible part of Chilli known as?

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Pericarp and Placenta
  4. Aril

Answer: 3

Q.31: What is the Edible part of Papaya known as?

  1. Seed/ Cotyledons
  2. Pericarp and Placenta
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 3

Q.32: What is the Edible part of Citrus spp. known as?

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Endocarpic juicy hairs
  4. Aril

Answer: 3

Q.33: What is the Edible part of Pomegranate known as?

  1. Seed/ Cotyledons
  2. Pericarp and Placenta
  3. Aril
  4. Mesocarp

Answer: 3

Q.34: What is the Edible part of Apple, Pear known as?

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mansal thalamus
  4. Aril

Answer: 3

Q.35: What is the Edible part of Bael known as?

  1. Seed/ Cotyledons
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Aril
  4. Mesocarp and Endocarp

Answer: 4

Q.36: What is the Edible part of Cucurbits known as?

  1. Seed/ Cotyledons
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Aril
  4. Apicarp and Mesocarp

Answer: 4

Q.37: What is the Edible part of Coconut known as?

  1. Pericarp and Placenta
  2. Seed/ Cotyledons
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 4

Q.38: What is the Edible part of Groundnut known as?

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Endosperm
  3. Aril
  4. Seed/Cotyledons

Answer: 4

Q.39: Rice Inflorescence known as?

  1. Panicle
  2. Spikelet
  3. Ear
  4. Arrow

Answer: 1

Q.40: Litchi Inflorescence known as?

  1. Panicle
  2. Capitulum
  3. Spadix
  4. receme

Answer: 1

Q.41: Wheat Inflorescence known as?

  1. Spikelet/Head/Ear
  2. Arrow
  3. receme
  4. Corombose

Answer: 1

Q.42: Bajra Inflorescence known as?

  1. Spikelet/Head/Ear
  2. receme
  3. Arrow
  4. Corombose

Answer: 1

Q.43: Mustard Inflorescence known as?

  1. Corombose-receme
  2. Ear
  3. Capitulum
  4. Spadix

Answer: 1

Q.44: Maize Inflorescence known as?

  1. Spadix
  2. Ear
  3. Arrow
  4. Male-Tassel/Female-Silk

Answer: 4

Q.45: Sugarcane Inflorescence known as?

  1. Spikelet
  2. receme
  3. Corombose
  4. Arrow

Answer: 4

Q.46: Sunflower Inflorescence known as?

  1. Spadix
  2. Spikelet
  3. receme
  4. Capitulum

Answer: 4

Q.47: Banana Inflorescence known as?

  1. Capitulum
  2. receme
  3. Corombose
  4. Spadix

Answer: 4

Fruit Types And Edible Parts MCQ

Fruit Types And Edible Parts Open
Agriculture Study Open

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