Entomology MCQ – 9

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Entomology MCQ – 9

Horticulture MCQ

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Entomology MCQ Study


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Q.1: Following is the white halo fungus?

  1. Metarhizium anisophiae
  2. Beauveria bassiana
  3. Nomuraea rileyi
  4. Verticilium lecani  

Answer: 4


Q.2: Following neurotransmitter stimulate adepokinetic hormone secretion?

  1. GABA
  2. L-glutamate
  3. Octopamine  
  4. Dopamine

Answer: 3


Q.3: Fore wings possess a well developed area “Embolium” in?

  1. Coreidae
  2. Anthocoridae  
  3. Pyrhocoridae
  4. Lygaeidae

Answer: 2


Q.4: Fossorial legs are found in?

  1. Mole cricket
  2. Dung roller
  3. Cicada nymphs
  4. All of these 

Answer: 4


Q.5: From which part of plant, cevadine is extracted?

  1. Leaves
  2. Flowers
  3. Roots
  4. Seeds  

Answer: 4


Q.6: Fruit sucking moth lay eggs on?

  1. Tinospera cardifolia
  2. Cocculus pendulus
  3. Cocculus hirsutus
  4. All of these  

Answer: 4


Q.7: Fundulus sp. is an example of?

  1. Squirrel pest of coconut
  2. Mosquitocidal fish  
  3. Pest of cattle
  4. Vector of cattle diseases

Answer: 2


Q.8: GEP of the pest coincides with ETL, then the pest belongs which category?

  1. Minor pest       
  2. Major pest
  3. Key pest
  4. Sporadic pest

Answer: 2


Q.9: Haemocoelus vivipary is observed in which insect order is?

  1. Psocoptera
  2. Mecoptera
  3. Hemiptera
  4. Strepsiptera  

Answer: 4


Q.10: Haemocyte with largest nucleus is?

  1. Oenocytoid
  2. Plasmatocyte
  3. Prohaemocyte  
  4. Granular haemocyte

Answer: 3

Entomology MCQ – 9

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