Entomology JRF 2020

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Entomology JRF 2020 Question Paper

Entomology JRF 2020

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Q.1 Juvenile hormone is secreted by?

  1. Corpora allata
  2. Corpora cardiaca
  3. Neurosecretary brain cell
  4. Salivary gland

Corpora allata

Q.2 Chemically, chitin is?

  1. Nitrogenous polysaccharide
  2. Halogenated polysaccharide
  3. Polypeptide
  4. Saturated fatty acid

Nitrogenous polysaccharide

Q.3 Which nematode produces ‘Nemawool’?

  1. Aphelenchus sp.
  2. Anguina agrostis
  3. Ditylenchus dipsaci
  4. Rotylenchus reniformis

Ditylenchus dipsaci

Q.4 Water potential of pure water is equal to?

  1. -0.0
  2. -1.0
  3. -1.5
  4. -0.5


Q.5 Which one of the following is NOTa cultural method?

  1. Tillage
  2. Light trap
  3. Resistant variety
  4. Pruning and thinning

Light trap

Q.6 What is the full form of ATARI?

  1. Agriculture Technology Applied Research Institute
  2. Agriculture Technology Application Research Institute
  3. Agriculture Technology Apex Research Institute
  4. Agricuiture Technology Animal Research Institute

Agriculture Technology Application Research Institute

Q.7 Given below are two statements?

Statement I: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is related to rural
Statement II: Jawahar Rojgar Yojna is related to urban-rural development
In light of the above statement

choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement Il are true
  2. Both Statement I and Statement are false
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement l is false
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement l is true

Statement I is correct but Statement l is false

Q.8 The insecticide NOT banned for application in crop pest management is?

  1. DDT
  2. Aldrin
  3. Chlorpyriphos
  4. BHC


Q.9 Resin glands in lac insect are present in?

  1. Mouth parts
  2. Breathing pores
  3. All over the cuticle
  4. Anus and hindgut

All over the cuticle

Q.10 The micro-element available in soil with alkaline pH is?

  1. Zinc
  2. Copper
  3. Iron
  4. Molybdenum


Q.11 Johnstan organ is absent in?

  1. Collembola
  2. Diplura
  3. Both Collembola and Diplura
  4. Protura

Both Collembola and Diplura

Q.12 Inbreeding in cross pollinated crops increase due to?

  1. Homozygosity
  2. Heterozygosity
  3. Polyploidy
  4. Population mean


Q.13 Given below are two statements?

Statement I: Mosquito, Aedes aegyptii is a vector of dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever virus
Statement II: The disease rickettsia is spread by House fly
In light of the above statements

choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Statement I is correct but Statement II is false

Q.14 Under natural conditions, Drosicha mangiferae lays ovisac inside the?

  1. Leaf curls
  2. Stem crevices
  3. Soil cracks
  4. Inflorescence of plant host

Soil cracks

Q.15 Which one of the following is a physical method of nematode control?

  1. Heat only
  2. Irradiation only
  3. Osmotic pressure only
  4. All the above

All the above

Q.16 Which of the following stored grain pests is incapable of feeding on whole grain?

  1. Rice weevil
  2. Red flour beetle
  3. Khapra beetle
  4. Lesser grain borer

Red flour beetle

Q.17 The degree to which a chemical is poisonous to the insect is its?

  1. Kill value
  2. Lethal dose
  3. Hazard rating
  4. Toxicity

Hazard rating

Q.18 Which one of the following is popularly known as boneless meat?

  1. Safflower
  2. Potato
  3. Soybean
  4. Wheat


Q.19 Which one of the following was domesticated during the year 7500 BC?

  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Barley
  4. Maize


Q.20 Which one of the following is a herbicide?

  1. Simazine
  2. Parathion
  3. Phorate
  4. Malathion


Q.21 What is full form of NABARD?

  1. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
  2. National Bank for Agriculture and Research Development
  3. National Bank for Apiculture and Research Development
  4. National Bank for Aquaculture and Research Development

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

Q.22 Which of the following enhances seed germination?

  1. IBA
  2. GA
  3. NAA
  4. BA


Q.23 Class Insecta belongs to the subphylum?

  1. Uniramia
  2. Pycnogonida
  3. Xiphosura
  4. Diplopoda


Q.24 Which one of the following is a genetically modified crop widely grown in India?

  1. Potato
  2. Brinjal
  3. Cotton
  4. Maize


Q.25 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Pulse beetle I. Lasioderma serricorne
B. Rice weevil II. Callosobruchus chinensis
C. Tobacco beetle III. Sitophilus oryzae
D. Drug store beetle IV. Stegobium panicum

Choose the correct answer from the option given below?

  1. A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
  2. A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
  3. A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
  4. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III


Q.26 The use of legislative restrictions to control pests is called?

  1. Plant protection
  2. Plant Quarantine
  3. Plant Law
  4. Plant Enclosure

Plant Quarantine

Q.27 Agronomic nutrient use efficiency is calculated as?

  1. Grain yield/Amount of Nutrient applied
  2. Grain yield in treate d plot-Grain yield in control/Amount of nutrient applied
  3. (Nutrient uptake in treate d plot-Nutrient uptake in control plot)/Amount ofnutrient applied
  4. Grain yield in tre ated plot-Grain yield in contro/Nutrient uptake in treated plot-Nutrient uptake in control plot)

Grain yield in treate d plot-Grain yield in control/Amount of nutrient applied

Q.28 The Nitrogen content (%) in farm yard manure is?

  1. 0.1
  2. 1.5
  3. 2.0
  4. 0.5


Q.29 Trichogrammatids are parasitic on insects at which stage?

  1. Egg
  2. Larva
  3. Pupa
  4. Adult


Q.30 Most Indian Bt cotton hybrid contains the genetic material?

  1. Cry 1 Ab
  2. Cry1 Ac
  3. Cry1 3A
  4. Cry 4 gene

Cry1 Ac

Q.31 Which one of the following schemes is exclusively meant for self- employment of rural youth?

  1. NREP
  3. DPAP
  4. IRDP


Q.32 Given below are two statements

Statement I: The female of lac insect has true eyes, legs and wings
Statement II: The tussar silkworm feeds on castor
In light of the above statement,

choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below?

  1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
  2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
  3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
  4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Both Statement I and Statement II are false

Q.33 The insecticidal property of DDT was discovered by Paul Muller in the year?

  1. 1874
  2. 1932
  3. 1939
  4. 1942


Q.34 Match List l with List II

List I List II
A. ICAR-CIPHET I. Hyderabad
B. ICAR-NAARM II. Ludhiana

Choose the correct answer from the option given below?

  1. A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
  2. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
  3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
  4. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III


Q.35 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Nosema disease I. Acarapsis woodi
B. Isle of wight II. Streptococcus sp
C. American foulbrood III. Bacillus pluton
D. European foulbrood IV. Nosema species

Choose the correct answer from the option given below

  1. A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
  2. A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
  3. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
  4. A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV


Q.36 If a linear relation exists between the variable X and Y, then the coefficient of correlation between them will be?

  1. One
  2. Infinite
  3. Zero
  4. Two


Q.37 The length of silk thread in a cocoon of Bombyx mori ranges from?

  1. 900 to 1000 M
  2. 100 to 150 M
  3. 200 to 250 M
  4. 100 to 350 M

900 to 1000 M

38 Sexual spores of fungi are?

  1. Chlamydospores
  2. Sporangiospores
  3. Zoospores
  4. Zygospores


Q.39 Given below are two statements?
Statement I: Strawberry is propagated through suckers
Statement II: Large Cardamom is commercially propagated through suckers
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Q.40 Bird lice belong to the order?

  1. Mallophaga
  2. Siphunculata
  3. Psocoptera
  4. Thysanoptera


Q.41 False root-knot nematode is?
1. Nacobbus sp.
2. Meloidogyne sp.
3. Hirschmaniella sp.
4. Criconema sp.

Nacobbus sp.

Q.42 Match List I with List II

List l List II
A. Ethylene I. Apical dominance
B. Gibberellin II. Stomatal closing
C. Abscisic acid III. Genetical dwarfism
D. Auxin IV. Fruit ripening

Choose the correct answer from the option given below
1. A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
2. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II


Q.43 The test of significance of differences between two means in small samples is calculated by?
1. X2 (chi-square) test
2. Z-test
3. t-test
4. F-test


Q.44 The resistant structure produced by Fusarium sp is?
1. Sclerotia
2. Stroma
3. Conidia
4. Chlamydospores


Q.45 The downward entry of water into the soil is termed as?
1. Percolation
2. Infiltration
3. Permeability
4. Seepage


Q.46 Organic matter content (%) of most Indian soils on a dry soil basis varies between?
1. 3-4
2. 0.2-0.5
3. 5-6
4. 0.5-2.0


Q.47 Nematode reproductive system is?
1. Bilaterally symmetrical
2. Triradially symmetrical
3. Tetraradially symmetrical
4. Asymmetrical


Q.48 Cartap hydrochloride was isolated for the first time?
1. Actinomyces
2. Bacteria
3. Annelid
4. Protozoa


Q.49 Potassium is absorbed by plants in the ionic form as?
1. K
2. K+
3. K++
4. K2O


Q.50 In insects, the origin of foregut is?
1. Ectodermal
2. Mesodermal
3. Endodermal
4. Meso and endodermal


Q.51 The most suitable design for an experiment involving a varying number of tillage and nitrogen levels is?
1. RBD
2. Split plot
3. Strip plot
4. .CRD

Split plot

Q.52 Given below are two statements?
Statement l: Turnip belongs to cole crop
Statement ll: Broccoli belongs to cole crop
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Both Statement I and Statement II are true

Q.53 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons I. Dichlorvos
B. Organophosphates II. Propoxur
C. Carbamates II. DDT
D. Pyrethroids IV. Fenvalerate

Choose the correct answer from the options given below?
1. A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
2. A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV


Q.54 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. International pest I. Chilo partellus
B. Dead heart II. Schistocerca gregaria
C. Spinosad III. JH analogue
D. Altocid IV. Microbial origin

Choose the correct answer from the option given below
1. A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
2. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III


Q.55 Which one of the following is NOT a part of the insect leg?
1. Coxa
2. Trochanter
3. Scape
4. Tibia


Q.56 Given below are two statements
Statement l: Trition X100 is used as an emulsifier
Statement Il: Protein hydrolysate is used as an attractant against fruit fly
In light of the above statements, dhoose the most oppropriate answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Both Statement I and Statement II are true

Q.57 Which one of the following is a carbamate?
1. Thiometon
2. Tetradifon
3. Lamda-cyhalothrin
4. Methomy


Q.58 Given below are two statements
Statement I: RCH 2 is NOT Bt cotton
Statement II: MECH 12 is a Bt cotton
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Q.59 Scansorial or clinging type of legs are found in?
1. Bed bugs
2. Mites
3. Ticks
4. Head lice

Head lice

Q.60 The acronym GEAC stands for?
1. Government Engineering Approval Committee
2. Globally Engineering Approval Committee
3. Genetically Engineering Appraisal Committee
4. Genetically Engineering Approval Committee

Genetically Engineering Approval Committee

Q.61 Resurgence of whitefly is largely associated with?
1. Excessive use of Phosphamidon
2. Excessive use of Lindane
3. Excessive use of Triazophos
4. Indiscriminate use of synthetic pyrethroids

Indiscriminate use of synthetic pyrethroids

Q.62 Zero tillage is successful in India in the cropping systems of?
1. Rice crop in monocropping
2. Wheat crop in rice-wheat
3. Wheat crop in monocropping
4. Rice crop in rice-wheat

Wheat crop in rice-wheat

Q.63 Which among the following has higher Irrigation Efficiency than others?
1. Drip irrigation
2. Flooding
3. Channel irrigation
4. Sprinkler irrigation

Drip irrigation

Q.64 Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage (DPPOS) is located at?
1. Faridabad
2. Dehradun
3. Bhopal
4. Hyderabad


Q.65 Given below are two statements?
Statement I: Zinc deficiency is common on calcareous soil.
Statement II: Zinc availability to crops is higher in alkaline soil.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II  are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Statement I is correct but Statement II is false

Q.66 Which one of the following is NOT a suitable method for imigating fruit crops?
1. Drip irrigation
2. Border strip
3. Ring basin
4. Check basin

Border strip

Q. 67 Separation of old cuticle from epidermis is called?
1. Ecdysis
2. Apolysis
3. Stadium
4. Exuviae


Q.68 Which one of the following possesses contact, systemic and fumigant actions?
1. Chloropyriphos
2. Dichlorvos
3. Ethion
4. Phorate


Q.69 Which one of the following is the sugarcane root borer?
1. Sesamia inferens
2. Scirpophaga nivella
3. Scirpohaga incertulas
4. Emmalocera depressella

Scirpophaga nivella

Q.70 The standard Bombyx mori loose egg-pack contains?
1. 40000 eggs
2. 30000 eggs
3. 20000 eggs
4. 10000 eggs

20000 eggs

Q.71 Degree of freedom is related to?
1. Number of observations in a set
2. Number of independent observations in a set
3. A clear hypothesis under test
4. Number of dependable observations in a set

Number of independent observations in a set

Q.72 Snow-fleas belong to?
A. Siphonaptera
B. Thysanura
C. Collembola
D. Thysanoptera

Choose the correct answer from the options given below?
1. Both A & B
2. Both A &C
3. C only
4. Both B &D

C only

Q.73 Which one of the following is known as an “Emergent Weed’?
1. Typha
2. Pistia
3. Cyperus
4. Hydrilla


Q.74 First case of DDT resistance against insects globally was repoted in the year?
1. 1947
2. 1937
3. 1957
4. 1967


Q.75 Insect hind wings are modified into knob like structure called “halteres” in?
1. Mustard sawfly
2. Fruit fly
3. Whitefly
4. Damselfly

Fruit fly

Q.76 Cotton leaf curl viral disease is transmitted by?
1. Cotton aphid
2. Whitefly
3. Thrips
4. Mite


Q.77 Which one of the following mineral elements plays an important role in biological nitrogen fixation?
1. Copper
2. Zinc
3. Boron
4. Molybdenum


Q.78 Molya disease of wheat is most severe in?
1. Rajasthan
2. Gujrat
3. Haryana
4. Punjab


Q.79 The mechanism favouring maize as an allogamous crop species is?
1. Dicliny
2. Dichogamy
3. Apogamy
4. Autogamy


80. How many major Agro-climatic zones are there in India?
1. 16
2. 18
3. 17
4. 15


Q.81 Which one of the following is NOT a herbicide?
1. Diuron
2. Butachlor
3. Proclaim
4. Amiben


Q.82 Repetitive growing of same sole crop on the same field is known as?
1. Mono cropping
2. Sequential cropping
3.Relay cropping
4. Multiple cropping

Mono cropping

Q.83 Seed gall of wheat is caused by?
1. Insect
2. Fungus
3. Nematode
4. Mite


Q.84 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Sugarcane top borer I. Tetranychus cinnabarinus
B. E.D.B. II. Tryporyza nivella
C. Telenomus III. Grain fumigant
D. Mite IV. Insect bioagent

Choose the correct answer from the option given below
1. A-II, B-II, C-I, D-IV
2. A-IV, B-II, C-II, D-III
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II


Q.85 The Insecticide Act in India was passed in the year?
2. 1959
3. 1968
4. 1985


Q.86 Mendel did not face the problem of linkage, however, seven characters studied by him were located on how many chromosomes?
1. 7
2. 4
3. 5
4. 3


Q.87 Rosette disease in groundnut is caused by?
1. Fungus
2. Bacterium
3. Virus
4. Mealybug


Q.88 First generation insecticide era was between the years?
1. 1920-1928
2. 1939-1942
3. 1969-1973


Q.89 Mat nursery is related to?
1. Onion
2. Rice
3. Tobacco
4. Chillies


Q.90 The most effective means to control Molya disease’ of wheat is?
1. Flooding the crop
2. Hot water treatment
3. Crop rotation
4. Lindane spray

Crop rotation

Q.91 Complete metamorphosis occurs in?
1. Grasshoppers
2. Leafhoppers
3. Cockroaches
4. Moths


Q.92 Infective stage of Entomo-pathogenic nematodes is?
1. IJ3
2. IJ2
3. Pre-adult male
4. Pre-adult female


Q.93 The word Agronomy was derived from?
1. Spanish
2. English
3. Latin
4. Greek


Q.94 Given below are two statements?
Statement I: Royal jelly is secreted by honey bee
Statement ll: Drones can’t sting
In light of the above statement, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below?
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

Both Statement I and Statement II are true

Q.95 Eggs are laid in an ootheca by?
1. Silver fish
2. Grasshopper
3. Mole cricket
4. Cockroach


Q.96 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Arkil I. Potato
B. Langra II. Pea
C. Hara Madhu III. Mango
D. Kufri yoti IV. Melon

Choose the correct answer from the options given below?
1. A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
2. A-IV, B-II, C-II, D-I
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III


Q.97 Geniculate type of antennae are present in?
1. Honey bee
2. Grasshopper
3. Termite
4. Housefly

Honey bee

Q.98 Which one of the following is an internal grain feeder?
1. Pulse beetle
2. Khapra beetle
3. Rice meal moth
4. Indian meal moth

Pulse beetle

Q.99 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology I. Uttar Pradesh
B. Central Agriculture University, Jhansi II. Maharashtra
C. Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra University of Agriculture Sciences III. Uttarakhand
D. Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth IV. Karnataka

Choose the correct answer from the options given below?
1. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
2. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
3. A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
4. A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II


Q.100 In India, the first Plant Quarantine Act was passed in the year?
1. 1912
2. 1910
3. 1914
4. 1920


Q.101 Which one of the following has the lowest cuticular transpiration?
1. Helianthus
2. Sorghum
3. Opuntia
4. Hordeum


Q.102 The entomopathogenic nematode used in the microbial control of insect pest is?
1. Radophilus similis
2. Globodera rostochinensis
3. Neoplactna carpocapsae
4. Platylenchus vulnus

Neoplactna carpocapsae

Q.103 Retting is process associated with?
1. Cotton
2. Jute
3. Sugarcane
4. Opium


Q.104 Match List I with List II

List I List II
B. ICAR-IARI II. Bengaluru

Choose the correct answer from the option given below
1. A-II, B-I, C-I, D-IV
2. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
3. A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
4. A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II


Q.105 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Vector of spike disease I. Nephotettix virescens
B. Sesamum phyllody II. Jassus indicus
C. Rice yellow dwarf III. Hishimonus phycitis
D. Little leaf of brinjal IV. Orosius albicinctus

Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
2. A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III


Q.106 Which one of the following is an insect growth regulator?
1. Carbothion
2. Diflubenzuron
3. Benzimidozoles
4. Diafenthiuron


Q.107 Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance was proposed by?
1. Jacob and Monad
2. Mendel and Strassberger
3. Sutton and Boveri
4. Muller and Jacob

Sutton and Boveri

Q.108 Which one among the following is the oldest?
1. PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab
2. GBPUAT, Pantanagar, Uttarakhand
3. BCKVW, Mohanpur, West Bengal
4. KAU, Thrissur, Kerala

GBPUAT, Pantanagar, Uttarakhand

Q.109 How much pesticide spray solution is required to apply 12 litres of 50EC insecticide formulation if the recommended application rate is 0.5%?
1. 1.2 litre
2. 120 ml
3. 24 ml
4. 12 litre

120 ml

Q.110 From which part of Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium, pyrethrum is extracted?
1. Leaf
2. Flower
3. Stem
4. Root


Q.111 Which one of the following is a rice cyst nematode?
1. Heterodera oryzae
2. Heterodera graminis
3. Herterodera oryzicola
4. Heterodera major

Herterodera oryzicola

Q.112 Axillary sclerites are absent in?
1. Coleoptera and Hymenoptera
2. Hemiptera and Orthoptera
3. Psocoptera and Lepidoptera
4. Odonata and Ephemeroptera

Odonata and Ephemeroptera

Q.113 A top cross test is done to evaluate the performance of?
1. Inbred line
2. Single cross hybrid
3. Pure line
4. Both Inbred line & Pure line

Both Inbred line & Pure line

Q.114 Given below are two statements?
Statement I: Author of the book Silent Spring is David Watson
Statement II: The main idea of the book Silent Spring is Genetically Modified Organism.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below?
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
4. Statement l is incorrect but Statement II is true

Both Statement I and Statement II are false

Q.115 Which one of the following crops is the most tolerant of soil sodicity?
1. Pearl millet
2. Cotton
3. Barley
4. Rice


Q.116 Origin of silk gland in silk worm is?
1. Ectodermal
2. Endodermal
3. Mesodermal
4. Epidermal


Q.117 Worldwide resistance to inorganic pesticide was first reported in?
1. Scale insect
2. Mealy bug
3. Moth
4. Housefly

Scale insect

Q.118 “Ufra disease” mainly occurs in?
1. Wheat
2. Maize
3. Paddy
4. Barley


Q.119 “Flacherie disease” of silk worm is caused by?
1. hi vital
2. Bacterium
3. Fungus
4. Nematode


Q.120 In termites, “Royal Jelly” is produced by?
1. Mandibular glands of queen
2. Lateral pharyngeal glands of worker
3. Lateral pharyngeal glands of queen
4. Well-developed mandibles of soldiers

Lateral pharyngeal glands of worker

Entomology JRF 2020

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