Buffalo Breed With Special Characteristics Table

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Buffalo Breed With Special Characteristics Study Content

Buffalo Breed With Special Characteristics Study Content

Buffalo Breed With Special Characteristics Study Content

Characteristics of Important Buffalo Breed 

Characteristics of Important Buffalo Breed 
1. Murrah Buffalo
I. Milk fat content is 7%. 

II. The average milk yield 1500 – 2000 kg /lactation.

III. The average milk yield is 6.8 kg/day.

IV. Age at first calving is 44-45 months and inter calving period is 450-500 days.

V. Synonyms : Delhi, Kundi, Kali.

VI. Weight on first calving 460 kg.

VII. Best milch breed of world & India.

VIII. Short & Tightly curved horn & smooth skin with scanty hair.

IX. Also used for the grading up of inferior local buffaloes.

2. Bhadawari Buffalo
I.  Copper coloured hair skin. 

II. Age at first calving 50 months.

III. The average milk yield is 800 to 1100 kg.

IV. Two white lines ‘Chevron’ are present at the lower side of the neck similar to that of Surti buffaloes.

V. The fat content varies from 6 to 13 percent (Maximum fat).

3. Nilliravi Buffalo
I.  Nilliravi  is also known as Panchratni  & Panchkalyani. 

II. The milk yield is 1800-1950 kg per lactation and the inter calving period is 500-550 days.

III. Age at first calving is 38 months.

IV. Black, white spots on forehead, muzzle, feet, Walled eyes.

V. Pink marking on udder & brisket.

VI. Weight of male 620 kg & female 520 kg.

4. Jaffarabadi Buffalo
I.  This is the heaviest Indian breed of buffalo. 

II. It is also known as Bhavnagiri.

III. It has drooping horns.

IV. The average milk yield is 1000 to 1400 kg per lactation.

V. These animals are mostly maintained by traditional breeders called Maldharis, who are nomads.

5. Surti Buffalo
I.  The milk yield 900 to 1300 kg.  

II. The age at first calving is 36-40 months with a intercalving period of 400-500 days.

III. Milk fat percentage in milk 7.5%.

IV. Also known as Deccani, Gujarati, Talabda, Charator and Nadiadi.

V. The horns are sickle shaped, moderately long and flat.

VI. The peculiarity of the breed is two white collars, one round the jaw and the other at the brisket region.

VII. White marking on eyes. 

6. Mehsana Buffalo
I.  The milk yield is 1200-1800 kgs per lactation. 

II. The breed is evolved out of crossbreeding between the Surti and the Murrah.

III. The age at first calving is 40 month.

IV. It has longest lactation period.

V. The horns are less curved than in Murrah and are irregular.

VI. Body is longer than Murrah but limbs are lighter.

VII. The intercalving period ranges between 450-550 days.

7. Nagpuri Buffalo
I.  This breed is also called as Elitchpuri or Barari. 

II. These are black coloured animal with white patches on face, legs and tail.

III. The horns are long, flat and curved, bending backward on each side of the back. (Swaord shaped horns).

IV. Milk yield is 1200 – 1500 kg per lactation.

V. The age at first calving is 45-50 months with an inter-calving period of 450-550 days.

V. Chromosome no 2n = 48.

8. Godavari Buffalo
I. Daily average milk yield of 5-8 litres and lactation yield of 1200-1500 litres. 

II. Disease tolerant breed.

9. Toda Buffalo
I.  This is gregarious in nature. 

II.The horns are set wide apart curving inward, outward and forward forming a characteristic crescent shape.

III. The average milk yield is 500 kgs per lactation  & 6 -8 liter / day with high fat content of 8%.

10. Kundhi Buffalo
I.  Body colour Black & brown. 

II. This is discovered by bayer in 1946.

11. Kalahandi Buffalo
I.  It is also known as Peda kimedi. 

II. The average milk yield is 2000 kgs per lactation  & 7 liter / day with high fat content of 8%.

Buffalo Breeds With Special Feature

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