BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

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BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

Q.1: Nitrate levels in drinking water above.______mg per litre are considered as a human health hazard?

  1. 5.0
  2. 10.0
  3. 20.0
  4. 15.0

Answer: 2

Q.2:A soil is low in available N if the soil organic carbon is in the range of?

  1. <0.5%
  2. <0.75%
  3. 0.5-0.75%
  4. <1%

Answer: 1

Q.3:Mustard crop planted at a spacing of 50 x 20 cm will have plants/ha?

  1. 75,000
  2. 1,00,000
  3. 1,25,000
  4. 1,50,000

Answer: 2

Q.4:Temperature for homogenisation of milk?

  1. 30°C for 30 minutes
  2. 65 °C for 30 minutes
  3. 90 °C for 30 minutes
  4. 110 °C for 30 minutes

Answer: 2

Q.5:The comprehensive system of soil classification is popularly known as?

  1. 7th Approximation
  2. 8th Approximation
  3. 9th Approximation
  4. 10th Approximation

Answer: 1

Q.6:Tungro disease of rice is caused by?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Algae
  3. Actinomycetes
  4. Virus

Answer: 4

Q.7:Button mushroom belongs to the genus?

  1. Volvariella
  2. Agaricus
  3. Amanita
  4. Pleurotus

Answer: 2

Q.8:In Urea N is present in which form?

  1. Nitrate
  2. Ammonium
  3. Amide
  4. Nitrite

Answer: 3

Q.9:Mango variety which is suitable for high density planting?

  1. Ratna
  2. Dashehri
  3. Amrapalli
  4. Tangra

Answer: 3

Q.10:Bhindi yellow vein clearing disease is transmitted by?

  1. Oligonychus indicus
  2. Aphis gossypii
  3. Amrasca devastans
  4. Bemisia tabaci

Answer: 4

Q.11:Two pairs of antennae are present in?

  1. Insecta
  2. Crustacea
  3. Arachnida
  4. Myriapoda

Answer: 2

Q.12:Adopter category is based on?

  1. Education
  2. Innovation
  3. Awareness
  4. Innovativeness

Answer: 4

Q.13:Which of the following is the algal symbiont of Azolla responsible for bio- logical N fixation?

  1. Anabaena
  2. Rhizobium
  3. Azospirillum
  4. Azotobacter

Answer: 1

Q.14:Which one has epigeal type of seed germination?

  1. Turmeric
  2. Barley
  3. Bean
  4. Sorghum

Answer: 3

Q.15:Fruit of Papaya is botanically known as?

  1. Pome
  2. Drupe
  3. Berry
  4. Hesperidium

Answer: 3

Q.16:Which soil type cover the maximum area in India?

  1. Alluvial soil
  2. Red soil
  3. Black soil
  4. Laterite soil

Answer: 1

Q.17:The law of diminishing return was proposed by?

  1. Mitscherlich
  2. Wilcox
  3. Blackman
  4. Van Liebig

Answer: 1

Q.18:Which of the following disease occurs due to deficiency of zinc?

  1. Bunt of rice
  2. Pansukh disease
  3. Blast disease of rice
  4. Khaira disease of rice

Answer: 4

Q.19:Interveinal chlorosis in younger leaves is the characteristics deficiency symp- tom of one of the following?

  1. Zinc
  2. Iron
  3. Boron
  4. Nitrogen

Answer: 2

Q.20:The critical level of nutrient concept was given by?

  1. Olsen
  2. Cate and Nelson
  3. Brady
  4. Darcy

Answer: 2

Q.21:Which disease was responsible for the Great Bengal Famine in 1942-43?

  1. Rice Blast
  2. Late Blight of Potato
  3. Brown Spot of Rice
  4. Wheat Rust

Answer: 3

Q.22:’Black heart’ is a physiological disorder of?

  1. Chili
  2. Tomato
  3. Cabbage
  4. Potato

Answer: 4

Q.23:Jelly in which fruit peels remain suspended is called as?

  1. Cordial
  2. Jam
  3. Candy
  4. Marmalade

Answer: 4

Q.24:’Kranz’ anatomy is found in the leaves of?

  1. Groundnut
  2. Potato
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Maize

Answer: 4

Q.25:Buttoning is the problem in which of the following crops?

  1. Cauliflower
  2. Okra
  3. Chillies
  4. Melon

Answer: 1

Q.26:Protein in milk is called?

  1. Keratin
  2. Zein
  3. Collagen
  4. Casein

Answer: 4

Q.27:Late Blight of Potato is caused by?

  1. Alternaria solani
  2. Phytophthora infestans
  3. Colletotrichum sp.
  4. Fusarium sp.

Answer: 2

Q.28:Iodine is used in milk for detecting adulteration for?

  1. Water
  2. Starch
  3. Cow’s milk in Buffalo’s milk
  4. Plant fat

Answer: 2

Q.29:Egg’s of mango mealy bug are laid in?

  1. Leaf
  2. Tree trunk
  3. Crevices
  4. Soil

Answer: 4

Q.30:Plants of which family are reported to assimilate CO2 in night?

  1. Leguminoceae (Pea etc.)
  2. Crassulaceae (Bryophyllum etc.)
  3. Cucurbitaceae (Bitter gourd etc.)
  4. Malvaceae (Hibiscus etc.)

Answer: 2

Q.31:Breeding value of an individual is?

  1. Sum of average effect of genes
  2. Difference of average effect of genes
  3. Difference of additive and dominance effects of genes
  4. Sum of additive and dominance effects of genes

Answer: 1

Q.32:Which one of these does not obey Mendel’s law?

  1. Independent assortment
  2. Linkage
  3. Dominance
  4. Purity of gametes

Answer: 2

Q.33:Which of the following is a Poverty Alleviation Programme?

  1. NREGP
  3. DPAP
  4. PMGSY

Answer: 1

Q.34:Meristem tip culture is followed for?

  1. Elimination of bacteria
  2. Elimination of fungi
  3. Elimination of virus
  4. Elimination of nematodes

Answer: 3

Q.35:The non-chitinous layer of insect integument is?

  1. Endocuticle
  2. Exocuticle
  3. Epicuticle
  4. Epidermis

Answer: 3

Q.36:The most effective mutagen for cytoplasmic genesis?

  1. EMS
  2. Sodium Azide
  3. Ethidium Bromide
  4. MMS

Answer: 3

Q.37:In saline soil the movement (loss) of water from roots to soil occur through one of the following process?

  1. Leaching
  2. Guttation
  3. Evaporation
  4. Exo-osmosis

Answer: 4

Q.38:Which is not a method used in National Income Accounting?

  1. Income method
  2. Output method
  3. Export method
  4. Expenditure method

Answer: 4

Q.39:The highest category of soil nomenclature is called as?

  1. Order
  2. Great group
  3. Family
  4. Series

Answer: 1

Q.40:The net assimilation rate is expressed in terms of?

  1. gcm-2 day-1
  2. gg-1 ha-1
  3. gg-1 day-1
  4. gcm2 ha1

Answer: 1

Q.41:Onion production is related to?

  1. Pink revolution
  2. Silver revolution
  3. Golden revolution
  4. Blue revolution

Answer: 1

Q.42:In marketing, ‘place utility’ is created through?

  1. Insurance
  2. Processing
  3. Grading
  4. Transport

Answer: 4

Q.43:In cyclorthapous dipterans, the fusion of carpora cardiaca, carpora allata and prothoracic glands is referred to as?

  1. Simpher’s organ
  2. Craber’s organ
  3. Gyroscopic organ
  4. Weismann’s ring

Answer: 4

Q.44:Magnesium is an important constituent of one of the following molecule?

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Phytochrome
  3. Haem protein
  4. Xanthophyll

Answer: 1

Q.45:The term ‘soilage’ includes?

  1. Silage
  2. Green fodder
  3. Hay
  4. Concentrate

Answer: 2

Q.46:Weed index indicates?

  1. Yield reduction
  2. Herbicide efficiency
  3. Herbicide toxicity
  4. Herbicide activity

Answer: 2

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

Q.47:In which method of planting maximum number of plants per unit area can be accommodated?

  1. Rectangular
  2. Square
  3. Hexagonal
  4. Quincunx

Answer: 4

Q.48:In reduction reaction process what happens?

  1. Water is lost
  2. Hydrogen is added
  3. Hydrogen is lost
  4. Oxygen is added

Answer: 2

Q.49:Which type of clay minerals is dominantly present in Vertisols?

  1. Kaolinite
  2. Smectite
  3. Illite
  4. Halloysite

Answer: 2

Q.50:When demand changes due to increase in its own price it is known as?

  1. Contraction in demand
  2. Expansion in demand
  3. Increase in demand
  4. Decrease in demand

Answer: 1

Q.51:A cropping system where the land is handed over the succeeding crop before the harvest of standing crop is termed as?

  1. Relay cropping
  2. Ratoon cropping
  3. Intercropping
  4. Sequence cropping

Answer: 1

Q.52:______ is an idea, practice or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption?

  1. Diffusion
  2. Communication
  3. Invention
  4. Innovation

Answer: 4

Q.53:The only metallic element present in chlorophyl?

  1. N
  2. Mg
  3. K
  4. Ca

Answer: 2

Q.54:In living plant cell conversion of Pyruvic acid into CO2 and energy is called?

  1. Photorespiration
  2. Glycolysis
  3. Krebs cycle
  4. Carbon-transformation

Answer: 3

Q.55:Chief carbohydrate in milk is called?

  1. Glucose
  2. Maltose
  3. Lactose
  4. Sucrose

Answer: 3

Q.56:Byproduct after cream separation process is?

  1. Whey
  2. Butter milk
  3. Lassi
  4. Skim milk

Answer: 4

Q.57:The law that determines the best uses of limited resources among alternative uses is known as?

  1. Law of variable proportion
  2. Law of equi-marginal return
  3. Law of demand
  4. Law of supply

Answer: 1

Q.58:’Silver shoot’ in rice produced by gall midge is a modification of?

  1. Leaf sheath
  2. Leaf tip
  3. Leaf base
  4. Stem

Answer: 1

Q.59:A farmer can become an entrepreneur by?

  1. Adopting a new technology
  2. By considering his farm as business operation
  3. Learning new method of agriculture
  4. Developing a new practice

Answer: 2

Q.60:The scientists who demonstrated sexuality in bacteria?

  1. Lederberg and Tatum
  2. Louis Pasteur and Nicholas
  3. Leeuwenhock and Kola
  4. Kircher and Koch

Answer: 1

Q.61:Scientist who discovered Transduction in bacteria?

  1. Zinder and Lederberg
  2. Lederberg and Tatum
  3. Leeuwenhoek
  4. Louis Pasteur and Nicholas

Answer: 1

Q.62:Casein is obtained from?

  1. Milk
  2. Wheat
  3. Maize
  4. Barley

Answer: 1

Q.63:Fruit setting is done through parthenocarpy process in one of the following?

  1. Banana
  2. Apple
  3. Mango
  4. Guava

Answer: 1

Q.64:Winter Banana is a variety of?

  1. Pear
  2. Banana
  3. Mango
  4. Apple

Answer: 4

Q.65:Which holds good at Break Even Point?

  1. Total Return =Total Cost
  2. Marginal Return =Marginal Cost
  3. Marginal Return > Marginal Cost
  4. Total Return > Total Cost

Answer: 2

Q.66:Cell wall of Gram bacteria has a larger component of?

  1. Phospholipids
  2. Lipoproteins
  3. Methylamine
  4. Peptidoglycan

Answer: 4

Q.67:Colostrum is?

  1. First milk drawn after parturition
  2. Milk of first parturition
  3. Milk after two weeks of parturition
  4. Only Buffaloes milk

Answer: 1

Q.68:Which of the following is an example of 1:1 type clay mineral?

  1. Kaolinite
  2. Vermicullite
  3. Montmorillonite
  4. Talc

Answer: 1

Q.69:Powdery Mildew of fungi belongs to order?

  1. Perenosporales
  2. Erisiphales
  3. Mucorales
  4. Uredinales

Answer: 2

Q.70:The term mutation breeding was given by?

  1. Jones
  2. Hugo de Vries
  3. Muller
  4. Nilson-Ehle

Answer: 2

Q.71:Milk of cow is yellowish due to?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Xanthene
  3. Natural pigment
  4. Carotene

Answer: 4

Q.72:Rice plants prefer absorption of N fertilizer in form of?

  1. NO3
  2. NO2
  3. NH4+
  4. NH3

Answer: 3

Q.73:Communication is?

  1. Telling something
  2. Verbal process
  3. Non verbal process
  4. Both verbal and non verbal process

Answer: 4

Q.74:Cellular telecommunication market in India is an example of?

  1. Monopoly market
  2. Duopoly market
  3. Oligopoly market
  4. Perfectly competitive market

Answer: 4

Q.75:The reinforcement of an innovation decision making occurs at?

  1. Knowledge stage
  2. Decision stage
  3. Persuasion stage
  4. Confirmation stage

Answer: 4

Q.76:Iron in milk is?

  1. Rich
  2. Balanced
  3. Poor
  4. Absent

Answer: 3

Q.77:Which of the following is a method of indirect measurement of soil moisture?

  1. Neutron moisture meter
  2. Electron moisture meter
  3. Positron moisture meter
  4. Proton moisture meter

Answer: 1

Q.78:Which one is Amino acid among the following?

  1. Carbonic acid
  2. Oxalic acid
  3. Proline
  4. Malic acid

Answer: 3

Q.79:Hardy-Weinberg law is applicable for maintenance of genetic purity of?

  1. Open Pollinated Variety
  2. Inbred lines
  3. Pureline
  4. Hybrids

Answer: 1

Q.80:Dense webbing of rice grain in storage results due to?

  1. Angoumois grain moth
  2. Rice moth
  3. Red flour beetle
  4. Rice weevil

Answer: 2

Q.81:Lowest fat is found in the milk of?

  1. Sahiwal
  2. Jersey
  3. Red Sindhi
  4. Holstein Fresian

Answer: 4

Q.82:The unconsolidated debris overlying the hard, unweathered bedrock is called as?

  1. Pedosphere
  2. Lithosphere
  3. Regolith
  4. Stratosphere

Answer: 3

Q.83:Specific gravity of milk on addition of water?

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains unchanged
  4. Sometime decreases sometime increases

Answer: 2

Q.84:Soil surrounding living root is known as?

  1. Rhizoplane
  2. Rhizosphere
  3. Rhizomorph
  4. Rhizoids

Answer: 2

Q.85:Which one of the following is C4 plant?

  1. Mango
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Rice
  4. Wheat

Answer: 2

Q.86:Most economic method of irrigation in orchard under water scarcity condition is?

  1. Drip system
  2. Sprinkler system
  3. Ring system
  4. Flooding system

Answer: 1

Q.87:Genetic material in tobacco mosaic Virus is?

  1. DNA
  2. DNA or RNA
  3. RNA
  4. DNA and RNA both

Answer: 3

Q.88:Edible part of Knol-Khol is?

  1. Stem
  2. Leaf
  3. Root
  4. Flower

Answer: 1

Q.89:Luxury consumption is observed in which of the following nutrients?

  1. N
  2. P
  3. S
  4. K

Answer: 4

Q.90:The essentiality criteria of nutrients was given by?

  1. Barber
  2. Arnon and Stout
  3. Schoefield
  4. Cate and Nelson

Answer: 2

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

Q.91:Where does India rank in production of fruits in the world?

  1. Fourth
  2. Third
  3. Second
  4. First

Answer: 3

Q.92:In artificial insemination?

  1. Embryo is transferred
  2. Ovum is transferred
  3. Semen is harvested
  4. In vitro fertilisation

Answer: 3

Q.93:Number of segments present in insect head is?

  1. TWO
  2. Four
  3. Six
  4. Seven

Answer: 3

Q.94:Origin of Sahiwal breed of cow is from?

  1. India
  2. Pakistan
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Vietnam

Answer: 2

Q.95:Epiricania melanoleuca, an ectoparasitoid is effective an?

  1. Sugarcane pyrilla
  2. Sugarcane mealybug
  3. Sugarcane white fly
  4. Sugarcane scale

Answer: 1

Q.96:Which of the following is not true of DNA?

  1. ‘A’ pairs with T and ‘G’ pairs with C
  2. Nitrogen bases are 0.34 nm apart on a DNA strand
  3. The double helix is 2.0 nm wide
  4. The double helix is 3.4 nm wide

Answer: 4

Q.97:In India, hybrid rice seed production is done through?

  1. Two line system
  2. One line system
  3. Three line system
  4. All of these

Answer: 1

Q.98: Cuscuta sp. is a?

  1. Partial root parasite
  2. Total root parasite
  3. Total stem parasite
  4. Partial stem parasite

Answer: 3

Q.99: Gibberellin enhances especially, one of the following process when sprayed on plants?

  1. Rooting
  2. Stunting
  3. Transpiration
  4. Elongation

Answer: 4

Q.100:Which one of the following is quickest method of establishing a lawn?

  1. Dibbling
  2. Seeding
  3. Turf plastering
  4. Turfing

Answer: 4

Q.101: PBR-322 is a?

  1. Degradation plasmid
  2. Toxin producing plasmid
  3. Walking plasmid
  4. Reconstructed plasmid

Answer: 4

Q.102:The irrigation requirement (IR) is equal to___?

  1. WR-(ER-S)
  2. WR – (ER+S)
  3. WR +(ER-S)
  4. WR+ (ERS)

Answer: 2

If You Know The Answer of Remaining Questions Please Write in Comment Box

Q.103:Universal antidote is the mixture of activated charcoal : tannic acid : MgO in the ratio of?

  1. 2:1:1
  2. 1:2:1
  3. 1:1:2
  4. 2:6:2

Answer: 1

Q.104:In a DNA sequence, if ‘A’ and ‘T comprise of 60%, the percentage of C will be?

  1. 15%
  2. 30%
  3. 45%
  4. 20%

Answer: 2:1:1

Q.105:For production function Y = 3×2 – 6x + 15, what is the value of elasticity of production at X= 5?

  1. 0.5
  2. 1.0
  3. 2.0
  4. 24.0

Answer: 2

Q.106:If NNP = 110; Total Subsidy =25 and Total Indirect Tax = 15; then NNPfc is?

  1. 110
  2. 140
  3. 120
  4. 105

Answer: 120

Q.107:As compared to main bacterial chromosome, the size of an episome is?

  1. 1/30
  2. 1/20
  3. 1/10
  4. 1/40

Answer: 1/40

Q.108:A social process through cultural difference between two or more societies disappear and develop a common culture is called?

  1. Assimilation
  2. Accommodation
  3. Sanskritisation
  4. Diffusion

Q.109:All the following curves are Ushaped except?

  1. AVC curve
  2. AFC curve
  3. MC curve
  4. ATC curve

Q.110:Vasiform orifice is a characteristic feature of?

  1. Delphacidae
  2. Aleyrodidae
  3. Cercopidae
  4. Membracidae

Answer: Aleyrodidae

Q.111:According to Barnard, a leader performs the following functions?

  1. Determination of objectives
  2. Manipulation of means
  3. Control of instrumentality of action
  4. All of the above

Q.112:What distinguish an economic good from a free good?

  1. Equality in supply and demand
  2. Magnitude in utility
  3. Value in use
  4. Value in exchange

Q.113:Bee’s wax contains?

  1. Hydroxy methyl furfural rt
  2. Myrisyl palmitate
  3. n-acetyl glucose amine
  4. Lauryl acetate

Q.114:Individual who takes the responsibility of creating innovation of any kind from within the organization?

  1. Intrapreneur
  2. Ultrapreneur
  3. Pseudopreneur
  4. Entrepreneur

Q.115:The persons who leave the ventures as soon as venture is created?

  1. Managerial entrepreneurs
  2. Mobile entrepreneurs
  3. Empire builders
  4. Intonative entrepreneurs

Q.116:Setting a price below that of the competition is called?

  1. Price skimming
  2. Psychological pricing
  3. Penetration pricing
  4. Competitive pricing

Q.117:Innovators have a salient feature associated with them. It is?

  1. Respectable
  2. Venturesome
  3. Deliberate
  4. Skeptical

Q.118:Communication involves three phases, expression, interpretation and?

  1. Response
  2. Reception
  3. Transmission
  4. Reselection

Q.119:In Aonla, intervarietal plantation is done due to?

  1. Shy bearing nature of Aonla
  2. Self incompatibility
  3. Presence of male sterility
  4. Cross incompatibility

Q.120:The essence of Engel’s law is that as family incomes rise?

  1. The savings rate increases
  2. The proportion of income spent on food declines
  3. Expenditure on food declines
  4. Proportion of income spent on luxuries declines

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018

Previous Year Question paper Open
Agriculture Study Open

11 thoughts on “BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018”

  1. Q. 103 Universal antidote is mixture of charcoal:tanic acid: MgO
    Ans: 2:1:1 (7.5 gm charcoal, 3.5 gm tanic acid, 3.5 gm MgO)

  2. Question 113:- 3 (n glucosa amine)

    117 :- 2 ( inovators are also called venturesome in other words) , early adapter = localities, early majority deliberate, and late majority skeptical

    118 :- 1 (response)

  3. Advertisements

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