BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

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BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

Q.1:The milk-solids-not-fat in skim milk should not be less than?

  1. 8.25%
  2. 8.50%
  3. 8.70%
  4. 9.00%

Answer: 2

Q.2: Community Development Programme was started in the year?

  1. 1952
  2. 1985
  3. 1945
  4. 1955

Answer: 1

Q.3: C/N ratio of a normal cultivated soil ranged between?

  1. 6 to 8
  2. 14 to 16
  3. 10 to 12
  4. 18 to 20

Answer: 3

Q.4: Identify the plant hormone involved in initiation of rooting in cuttings?

  1. cycocel
  2. TIBA
  3. 2,4-D
  4. IBA

Answer: 4

Q.5: Top growth of plants is normally satisfactory as long as the oxygen diffusion ratc remains above?

  1. 20×10-8 g/cm2/minute
  2. 10-20×10-8 g/cm2/minute
  3. 30-40×10-8 g/cm²/minute
  4. 20-80×10-8 g/cm²/minute

Answer: 1

Q.6: A satisfactory temperature for separation of milk is?

  1. 30 °C
  2. 35 °C
  3. 40 °C
  4. 45 °C

Answer: 4

Q.7: Sugar percent in jelly should be?

  1. 50-55%
  2. 60-65%
  3. 70-75%
  4. 65-70%

Answer: 4

Q.8: Which one of the following is an amino acid?

  1. Phytic acid
  2. Glutamic acid
  3. Abscisic acid
  4. Gibberellic acid

Answer: 2

Q.9: Which type of disease cannot be manage by quarantine?

  1. Soil borne
  2. Seed borne
  3. Air borne
  4. All of these

Answer: 3

Q.10: Which one of the following plants is very efficient in photosynthesis?

  1. Wheat
  2. Sorghum
  3. Amaranthus
  4. Cicer

Answer: 2

Q.11: Tuberose belongs to the family?

  1. Convolvulaceae
  2. Compositae
  3. Amaryllidaceae
  4. Iridaceae

Answer: 3

Q.12: Ear cockle disease of wheat is caused by?

  1. Meloidogyne incognita
  2. Anguina tritici
  3. Meloidogyne Javanica
  4. All of these

Answer: 2

Q.13: Convolvulus arvensis weed is classified as?

  1. perennial herbaceous
  2. perennial woody
  3. annual
  4. biennial

Answer: 1

Q.14: The color pigment involved in flowering in plant is?

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Cytochrome
  3. Anthocyanin
  4. Phytochrome

Answer: 4

Q.15: The favourable climate for the operation of podzolization process is?

  1. warm humid climate
  2. cold humid climate
  3. arid climate
  4. semi-arid climate

Answer: 2

Q.16: Suitable herbicide for weed control in pulse crops is?

  1. isoproturon
  2. 2,4-D
  3. atrazing
  4. pendimethalin

Answer: 4

Q.17: RM value of ghee measures the?

  1. degree of unsaturation
  2. steam volatile water soluble fatty acids
  3. average molecular weight
  4. steam volatile water insoluble fatty acids

Answer: 2

Q.18: Which element is related to nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants?

  1. Ca
  2. Mo
  3. B
  4. ca

Answer: 2

Q.19: Deficiency of which element causes Khaira disease in rice?

  1. Ca
  2. Mg
  3. B
  4. Zn

Answer: 4

Q.20: Guava fruit is botanically known as?

  1. drupe
  2. hesperidium
  3. berry
  4. pome

Answer: 3

Q.21: This State became the 1st State to reserve 50% of seats for women in the Panchayati Raj Institutions?

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Bihar
  4. Himachal Pradesh

Answer: 3

Q.22: The term necrosis indicates?

  1. curling
  2. death of cells
  3. blighting
  4. mosaic

Answer: 2

Q.23: In general best method of fertilizer application in cereal crops is?

  1. broadcast and incorporation
  2. point placement
  3. broadcast
  4. band placement

Answer: 4

Q.24: In India, for ice cream manufacture, the widely used stabilizer is?

  1. gelatin
  2. guar gum
  3. carrageenan
  4. sodium alginate

Answer: 1

Q.25: A statement of assets and liabilities of a farm at a point of time is called?

  1. Income Statement
  2. Balance Sheet
  3. Cash Flow Statement
  4. Farm Budgeting

Answer: 2

Q.26: Rock garden is situated at?

  1. Bengaluru
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Chandigarh
  4. Saharanpur

Answer: 3

Q.27: The greenish color of chhena whey is due to the presence of?

  1. carotene
  2. riboltavin
  3. chlorophyll.
  4. Lycopene

Answer: 2

Q.28: Which one of the following is insectivorous in nature??

  1. Callosobruchus Chinensis
  2. Trogoderma Granarium
  3. Coccinella Septempunctata
  4. Rhyzopertha Dominica

Answer: 3

Q.29: International Flower Market is situated at?

  1. Germany
  2. Netherlands
  3. Columbia
  4. Switzerland

Answer: 2

Q.30: For maintenance of soil fertility, appropriate cropping system is?

  1. monoculture
  2. multiple cropping
  3. crop rotation
  4. mixed cropping

Answer: 3

Q.31: Tendency of the people to think of their culture as best is known as?

  1. egoism
  2. ethnocentrism
  3. cultural relativism
  4. illusory superiority

Answer: 2

Q.32: Biofertilizers are?

  1. organic manure
  2. green manures
  3. culture of the microorganisms
  4. mineral fertilizers

Answer: 3

Q.33: Which one of the following is a total stem parasite?

  1. Striga
  2. Orobanche
  3. Cuscuta
  4. Loranthus

Answer: 3

Q.34: Many insects undergo hibernation in response to?

  1. high temperature
  2. low temperature
  3. darkness
  4. high humidity

Answer: 2

Q.35: Breeding value of an individual is?

  1. sum of average effect of genes
  2. difference of average effect of genes
  3. difference of additive and dominance effects of genes
  4. sum of additive and dominance effects of genes

Answer: 1

Q.36: Which one of the following is not grassy weed??

  1. Eleusine indica
  2. Digera arvensis
  3. Digitaria sanguinalis
  4. Chloris barbata

Answer: 2

Q.37: Which one of the following is the largest class in the phylum Arthropoda?

  1. Arachnida
  2. Crustacea
  3. Diplopoda
  4. Insecta

Answer: 4

Q.38: Eruciform larvae are common in caterpillars belonging to order?

  1. Isoptera
  2. Coleoptera
  3. Diptera
  4. Lepidoptera

Answer: 4

Q.39: An expenditure on education, public health, social insurance, etc., by the Government is which type of public expenditure?

  1. Defence expenditure
  2. Civil expenditure
  3. Economic expenditure
  4. Social expenditure

Answer: 2

Q.40: Needham is associated with studies on?

  1. seed pathology
  2. nematodes
  3. epidemiology
  4. systemic acquired resistance

Answer: 2

Q.41: Consumptive use of water refers to?

  1. Evaporation (E)
  2. Transpiration (T)
  3. Evaporation (E) + Transpiration (T)
  4. ET + Metabolic needs

Answer: 4

Q.42: The process involved in water loss from the leaf surface is called?

  1. evaporation
  2. guttation
  3. evapotranspiration
  4. transpiration

Answer: 4

Q.43: Negative charges on organic colloids originates due to presence of?

  1. ketone and aldehyde groups
  2. carboxyl and phertolto groups
  3. exposed crystal odos .
  4. isomorphsous substitution

Answer: 1

Q.44: Which one of the following is an insecticide of microbial origin?

  1. Cartap
  2. Spinosad
  3. Fipronil
  4. Imidacloprid

Answer: 2

Q.45: For good yield, in most crops irrigation is must at?

  1. grand growth stage
  2. seedling stage
  3. flowering stage
  4. ripening stage

Answer: 1

Q.46: Indian Type Culture Collection (ITCC) is a collection of?

  1. bacteria
  2. algae
  3. fungi
  4. viruses

Answer: 3

Q.47: Which hormone causes leaf senescence and ageing?

  1. BA
  2. ABA
  3. GA
  4. IAA

Answer: 2

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

Q.48: The branch of Soil Science which deals with origin of soil, its classification and description is called as?

  1. Petrology
  2. Edaphology
  3. Geology
  4. Pedology

Answer: 4

Q.49: The first product of photosynthesis in C3 plant is?

  1. sucrose
  2. oxaloacetate
  3. glycerol
  4. phosphoglyceric acid

Answer: 4

Q.50: National income ordinarily means?

  1. Gross National Product (GNP) at market price
  2. Net National Product (NNP) at \’market price
  3. GNP at factor cost :
  4. NNP at factor cost

Answer: 2

Q.51: Which one of the following milk contains maximum amount of lactose?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Cow
  3. Goat
  4. Human

Answer: 4

Q.52: The word ‘extension is derived from which of the following languages?

  1. French
  2. Latin
  3. Greek
  4. Spanish

Answer: 2

Q.53: To show relative worth of a new practice over an old one, the extension method best suited is?

  1. method demonstration
  2. campaign
  3. group discussion
  4. result demonstration

Answer: 4

Q.54: The efficiency of milk pasteurization is determined by?

  1. turbidity test
  2. hotis test
  3. Hehner test
  4. phosphatase test

Answer: 4

Q.55: Hydrolysis of fat is catalyzed by?

  1. amylase
  2. catalase
  3. hydrolase
  4. lipase

Answer: 4

Q.56: Mustard saw fly belongs to the order?

  1. Diptera
  2. Dictyoptera
  3. Hymenoptera
  4. Neuroptera

Answer: 3

Q.57: The black heart of potato is caused due to?

  1. high light intensity
  2. frust injury
  3. lack of oxygen
  4. calcium deficiency

Answer: 3

Q.58: in bacteria ?

  1. Lederberg and Tatum
  2. Louis Pasteur and Nicholas
  3. Leeuwenhoek and Kola
  4. Kircher and Koch

Answer: 1

Q.59: Most suitable cereal crop for pH range 4.0-6.0 is?

  1. barley
  2. rice
  3. maize
  4. wheat

Answer: 2

Q.60: Under distress sale, what is the relationship between marketed and marketable surpluses for a farmer?

  1. Marketed surplus = 0
  2. Marketed surplus = Marketable surplus
  3. Marketed surplus > Marketable surplus
  4. Marketed surplus < Marketable surplus

Answer: 4

Q.61: Presence of reverse transcriptase was discovered from AMV virus by?

  1. H. Temin and D. Baltimore
  2. H. G. Khoran
  3. Maxam and Gilbert
  4. Zaenen et. al.

Answer: 1

Q.62: The most important feature of soil taxonomy is that it is based upon?

  1. soil forming processes
  2. soil forming factors
  3. measurable soil properties
  4. climate

Answer: 2

Q.63: Use trap crops for managing an insect, pest population comes under the method of?

  1. physical control
  2. cultural control
  3. mechanical control
  4. autocidal control

Answer: 2

Q.64: Casein is manufactured from?

  1. corn
  2. rice
  3. milk
  4. wheat

Answer: 3

Q.65: The most effective mutagen for cytoplasmic genes is?

  1. ethidium bromide
  2. EMS
  3. MMS
  4. sodium azide

Answer: 1

Q.66: The ‘Khaira disease of rice is caused due to the deficiency of the following micro-nutrient?

  1. Boron
  2. Zinc
  3. Molybdenum
  4. Nickel

Answer: 2

Q.67: The point of inflection in classical production function lies at a point where?

  1. Marginal Physical Product (MPP) is maximum
  2. Average Physical Product (APP) is maximum
  3. MPP = APP
  4. MPP = 0

Answer: 1

Q.68: The bacterial cell wall is made of?

  1. pectin
  2. chitin
  3. muramic acid
  4. cottatowe

Answer: 3

Q.69: Which one of the following is day neutral plant?

  1. Sunflower
  2. Safflower
  3. Mustard
  4. Linseed

Answer: 1

Q.70: Which one of the following is 1:1 type clay mineral??

  1. Vermiculite
  2. Illite
  3. Nacrite
  4. Saponite

Answer: 3

Q.71: The term mutation breeding was given by?

  1. Hugo de Vries
  2. Jones
  3. Nilsson-Ehle
  4. Muller

Answer: 1

Q.72: Which one of the following is not needed for DNA transcription??

  1. Enzymes
  2. DNA
  3. Nucleotides
  4. Ribosomes

Answer: 4

Q.73: Resistance blocks give reasonably good moisture reading in the range of?

  1. O to 0-8 bar potential
  2. – 1 to – 15 bar potential
  3. O to – 15 bar potential
  4. – 1 to 0-8 bar potential

Answer: 3

Q.74: Which one of the following is also known as Diffusion Pressure Deficit?

  1. Wall pressure
  2. Turgor pressure
  3. Osmotic pressure
  4. Suction pressure

Answer: 2

Q.75: Excess amount of which of the following nutrients in soil causes iron and zinc deficiency in plants?

  1. Calcium
  2. Potassium
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Nitrogen

Answer: 1

Q.76: The conversion of sugar to pyruvic acid is called?

  1. hydrolysis
  2. glycolysis
  3. phytolysis
  4. cyclosis

Answer: 2

Q.77: Joint scaling test is performed to detect?

  1. presence of dominance
  2. presence of non-additiveness
  3. presence of additiveness
  4. presence of epistasis

Answer: 4

Q.78: The first KVK was established in?

  1. Delhi
  2. Bengaluru
  3. Pune
  4. Puducherry

Answer: 4

Q.79: Amrapali is a cross between?

  1. Neelam x Dasheri
  2. Dasheri x Neelam
  3. Ratna x Alphonso
  4. Dasheri x Alphonso

Answer: 2

Q.80: Measurement of pH of a soil indicates?

  1. total acidity
  2. active acidity
  3. residual acidity
  4. salt-replaceable acidity

Answer: 2

Q.81: The Koch’s postulates is essential to establish?

  1. pathogenicity
  2. hypersensitivity
  3. resistance
  4. susceptibility

Answer: 1

Q.82: Which one of the following is not among 3R’s of credit to test the economic feasibility?

  1. Returns from the investment
  2. Rate of interest
  3. Ropayment capacity
  4. Risk bearing ability

Answer: 2

Q.83: The mungbean yellow mosaic virus is transmitted by?

  1. whiteflies
  2. sap
  3. seeds
  4. All of the above

Answer: 1

Q.84: Indicate the term not related with potato crop?

  1. bulking
  2. Tuberization
  3. silking
  4. suberization

Answer: 3

Q.85: Relative proportion of sand, silt and clay in soil is called?

  1. soil structure
  2. soil horizon
  3. soil profile
  4. soil texture

Answer: 4

Q.86: “Bunchy tops’ in sugarcane are caused by?

  1. root borer
  2. shoot borer
  3. stalk borer
  4. top borer

Answer: 4

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

Q.87: ATMA operates at?

  1. Block level
  2. District level
  3. State level
  4. National level

Answer: 2

Q.88: Polymorphism is found in?

  1. rice gundhi bug
  2. mustard aphid
  3. sugarcane leaf hopper
  4. All of these

Answer: 1

Q.89: Communication is a?

  1. method
  2. system
  3. technique
  4. process

Answer: 4

Q.90: Marginal Cost (MC) is equal to?

  1. the ratio of Total Cost (TC) and total output (Y)
  2. the ratio of change in Total Cost (ATC) and change in total output (AY)
  3. the ratio of change in Total Cost (ATC) and change in total luput (AX)
  4. the ratio of Total Cost (TC) and total input (X).

Answer: 4

Q.91: A monopolistic competition is the market structure where?

  1. there are large number of sellers selling identical products
  2. there are large number of schiers selling differentiated products but close substitutes
  3. there is only one seller of the products
  4. None of these

Answer: 3

Q.92: Deficiency symptoms of which nutrient element appears in terminal buds of the plant?

  1. Boron
  2. Copper
  3. tron
  4. Zinc

Answer: 1

Q.93: Dahlia is propagated through?

  1. corms
  2. rhizome
  3. tubers
  4. seeds

Answer: 3

Q.94: Indian shot is the name given to the seeds of?

  1. canna
  2. rose
  3. tulip
  4. gladiolus

Answer: 1

Q.95: Number of generations of white grub in a year is?

  1. One
  2. Four
  3. Two
  4. Five

Answer: 2

Q.96: Gravid females of Drosicha Mangiferae lay eggs?

  1. on under surface of leaf
  2. on tender shoots
  3. under soil clods
  4. on immature fruits

Answer: 3

Q.97: Toxin pyricularin is produced by?

  1. fungus
  2. bacteria
  3. virus
  4. nematode

Answer: 1

Q.98: Black leg disease of potato is caused by?

  1. fungus
  2. bacteria
  3. virus
  4. nematode

Answer: 2

Q.99: Modified stem of banana is called?

  1. sword sucker
  2. rhizome
  3. water sucker
  4. corm

Answer: 2

Q.100: Asymmetrical mouth parts are found in?

  1. thrips
  2. termites
  3. weevils
  4. mites

Answer: 1

If You Know The Answer of Remaining Questions Please Write in Comment Box

Q.101: If partial dominance is present at an inhibitory locus the expected phenotypic ratio is?

  1. 13:03
  2. 12:03:01
  3. 9:06:01
  4. 7:06:03


Q.102: During dahi production, inoculated milk is normally incubated at 22-25 °C for?

  1. 10-12 hours
  2. 13-15 hours
  3. 16-18 hours
  4. 20-22 hours

10-12 hours

Q.103: Inbred lines can be improved by?

  1. mutation breeding
  2. transgressive breeding
  3. back cross method
  4. All of these

back cross method

Q.104: For production of sterilized cream, the fat content of fresh, sweet cream is first standardized to?

  1. 30%
  2. 25%
  3. 20%
  4. 15%


Q.105: Theoretically, the maximum overrun in butter can be?

  1. 35%
  2. 20%
  3. 30%
  4. 25%


Q.106: As compared to main bacterial chromosome, the size of an episome is?

  1. 1/10
  2. 1/30
  3. 1/20
  4. 1/40


Q.107: It refers to the informal education that a child receives from his family, neighbors, friends and peers?

  1. acculturation
  2. socialization
  3. assimilation
  4. social diffusion


Q.108: Any relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of practice and experience?

  1. attention
  2. learning
  3. perceiving
  4. teaching


Q.109: Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labour (CPI-AL) is compiled by?

  1. Central Statistical Office (CSO)
  2. Labour Bureau (LB)
  3. National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)
  4. Economic Advisor, Ministry of Commerce (EA)

Labour Bureau (LB)

Q.110: The spread of mobile phones usage in a social system relates to the concept of?

  1. diffusion
  2. teaching
  3. learning
  4. adoption


Q.111: “Learning is strengthened, when the learning experience is followed by satisfaction to the learner’ is?

  1. law of readiness
  2. law of effect
  3. law of belonging
  4. law of exercise

law of effect

Q.112: Mango inflorescence contains which type of flowers?

  1. Male and hermaphrodite
  2. Male and female
  3. Male and neutral
  4. Female and hermaphrodite

Male and hermaphrodite

Q.113: The value of income elasticity of demand (ηi) for necessary commodity is?

  1. ηi>1
  2. 0<1ηi<1
  3. ηi =0
  4. ηi< 0


Q.114: If n = number of parents and S sample size of the cross, the number of crosses required for partial diallel analysis can be obtained by the formula?

  1. ns/2
  2. n(ns)/2
  3. ns
  4. 2ns


Q.115: Inflationary process in which prices are permitted to rise without any control by the Government is called?

  1. open inflation
  2. suppressed inflation
  3. mark-up inflation
  4. stagflation

open inflation

Q.116: Which is the most commonly used root-stock for rose propagation in North India?

  1. R. indica var, odorata
  2. R. multiflora
  3. R. centifolia
  4. R. moschata

R. indica var, odorata

Q.117: Pointed gourd is propagated by?

  1. root cutting
  2. vine cuttings and suckers
  3. seed
  4. None of these

vine cuttings and suckers

Q.118: For exploitation of both additive and non-additive gene effects in Cross-pollinated crops, the most effective method is?

  1. simple recurrent selection
  2. recurrent selection for SCA
  3. recurrent selection for GCA
  4. reciprocal recurrent selection

simple recurrent selection

Q.119: Which one of the following dried milk is manufactured maximum in India?

  1. Skim milk powder
  2. Whole milk powder
  3. Malted milk powder
  4. Infant milk powder

Skim milk powder

Q.120: various combination of two commodities yielding same level of satisfaction?

  1. various combination of two commodities yielding same level of satisfaction
  2. various combination of two commodities yielding same level of cost
  3. various combination of two commodities yielding decreasing satisfaction
  4. various combination of two commodities yielding decreasing cost

various combination of two commodities yielding same level of satisfaction

BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2017

Previous Year Question paper Open
Agriculture Study Open

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