August Agriculture Current Affairs 2023 Best For Exams

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August Agriculture Current Affairs 2023

August Agriculture Current Affairs 2023

August Agriculture Current Affairs 2023

Q.1 When will India host the 5th World Coffee Conference (WCC) 2023?/ भारत 5वें विश्व कॉफी सम्मेलन (डब्ल्यूसीसी) 2023 की मेजबानी कब करेगा?

  • September 25 to October 1
  • September 15 to September 20
  • September 25 to September 28
  • October 10 to October 15

Answer:-September 25 to September 28


India will host the 5th World Coffee Conference (WCC) 2023: The International Coffee Organisation (ICO) and the Coffee Board of India co-organize the 5th World Coffee Conference 2023 in Bengaluru from September 25 to September 28. Theme: “Sustainability through Circular Economy and Regenerative Agriculture”. Brand ambassador: Tennis player Rohan Bopanna. Primary focus: to promote coffee trade and foster cooperation among coffee-producing and consuming nations.

Q.2 What is the total amount sanctioned by NABARD to the Rajasthan government under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for the financial year 2023-24?/ वित्तीय वर्ष 2023-24 के लिए ग्रामीण अवसंरचना विकास निधि (आरआईडीएफ) के तहत नाबार्ड द्वारा राजस्थान सरकार को कुल कितनी राशि स्वीकृत की गई है?

  • Rs 1,500.25 crore
  • Rs 1,800.27 crore
  • Rs 1,974.07 crore
  • Rs 2,200.50 crore

Answer:-Rs 1,974.07 crore


NABARD has sanctioned a total amount of Rs 1,974.07 crore to the Rajasthan government under the RIDF for the financial year 2023-24. NABARD has sanctioned Rs 926.48 crore for the improvement of rural roads in Rajasthan.

Q.3 What is Bhu-Vision, also known as KRISHI-RASTAA Soil Testing System?/ भू-विज़न, जिसे कृषि-रस्ता मृदा परीक्षण प्रणाली भी कहा जाता है, क्या है?

  • An automated system for managing agricultural finances
  • An Internet of Things-based soil testing and agronomy advisory platform
  • A weather forecasting application for farmers
  • A mobile app for marketing agricultural products

Answer:-An Internet of Things-based soil testing and agronomy advisory platform


Bhu-Vision (KRISHI-RASTAA Soil Testing System) is an IoT-based soil testing and agronomy advisory platform.

Q.4 When is World Biofuel Day observed annually?/ विश्व जैव ईंधन दिवस प्रतिवर्ष कब मनाया जाता है?

  • August 04
  • August 07
  • August 08
  • August 10

Answer:-August 10


World Biofuel Day is observed every year on August 10th. The theme for this year’s World Biofuel Day is ‘Biofuels for Sustainability and Rural Income.

Q.5 What is the total approximate value of the pending crop insurance claims under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) according to data released in August 2023?/ अगस्त 2023 में जारी आंकड़ों के अनुसार प्रधान मंत्री फसल बीमा योजना (पीएमएफबीवाई) के तहत लंबित फसल बीमा दावों का कुल अनुमानित मूल्य क्या है?

  • 1,532.50 crore
  • 2,716.10 crore
  • 3,924.75 crore
  • 4,635.20 crore

Answer:-Rs. 2,716.10 crore


According to the recent data, a significant backlog of pending crop insurance claims of approximately Rs.2,716.10 crore was revealed till 2021-22 under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY).

Q.6 What sets the “Namoh 108” lotus flower variety developed by CSIR-NBRI apart from others?/ CSIR-NBRI द्वारा विकसित “नमोह 108” कमल के फूल की किस्म को दूसरों से अलग क्या बनाती है?

  • Large size
  • Seasonal blooming pattern
  • Unique fragrance
  • Fully sequenced genome

Answer:-Fully sequenced genome


The unique “Namoh 108” lotus flower variety has been developed by CSIR-NBRI, with 108 petals. The lotus, flowering from March to December, boasts enriched nutrients and has its genome fully sequenced.

Q.7 Which bank in India has launched Kisan Credit Card (KCC) and unsecured Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) loans?/ भारत में किस बैंक ने किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड (KCC) और असुरक्षित सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्यम उद्यम (MSME) ऋण लॉन्च किया है?

  • Axis Bank
  • State Bank of India
  • HDFC Bank
  • ICICI Bank

Answer:-Axis Bank


Axis Bank, one of the largest private sector banks in India has launched 2 lending products Kisan Credit Card (KCC) and unsecured Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) loans powered by the Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit (PTPFC), introduced by the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub.

Q.8 Which banana variety native to Kanniyakumari has been granted a Geographical Indication (GI) tag?/ कन्नियाकुमारी की किस केले की मूल प्रजाति को भौगोलिक संकेत (जीआई) टैग दिया गया है?

  • Cavendish banana
  • Matti banana
  • Plantain banana
  • Apple banana

Answer:-Matti banana


The Matti banana variety native to the Kanniyakumari district has been granted a Geographical Indication (GI) tag. The hybrid variation of Matti bananas is the Semmati Banana.

Q.9 According to the Brand Finance Food and Drink Report 2023, which dairy brand has been ranked as the world’s strongest?/ ब्रांड फाइनेंस फूड एंड ड्रिंक रिपोर्ट 2023 के अनुसार, किस डेयरी ब्रांड को दुनिया के सबसे मजबूत ब्रांड का दर्जा दिया गया है?

  • Mengniu (China)
  • Fonterra (New Zealand)
  • Arla Foods (Denmark)
  • Amul (India)

Answer:-Amul (India)


According to the Brand Finance Food and Drink Report 2023, Amul has been ranked as the world’s strongest dairy brand. Amul is a cooperative dairy organization in India that is known for its high-quality dairy products. It has a strong brand reputation for its commitment to quality, innovation, and social responsibility. Amul is also the world’s largest dairy brand by volume.

Q.10 What is the minimum price per metric tonne for Basmati rice required for export according to the Union government’s recent decision?/ केंद्र सरकार के हालिया निर्णय के अनुसार निर्यात के लिए आवश्यक बासमती चावल की प्रति मीट्रिक टन न्यूनतम कीमत क्या है?

  • $1,000
  • $1,100
  • $1,200
  • $1,300



Basmati rice below $1200 per tonne will not be allowed to export. By banning the export of Basmati rice valued at less than $1,200 per metric tonne (MT), the Union government on August 28 ensured additional safeguards for its export ban.

Q.11 Where is Chokuwa rice grown?/ चोकुवा चावल कहाँ उगाया जाता है?

  • Assam
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Meghalaya
  • Nagaland



Chokuwa rice is grown in the Brahmaputra River region of Assam. It is a semi-glutinous rice variety that has been cultivated in the region for centuries. The rice is known for its unique texture and flavor, and it is often used in traditional Assamese dishes. In 2023, Chokuwa rice was awarded a Geographical Indication (GI) tag. This certification guarantees that the rice meets certain quality standards and that it has been produced in a traditional way. The GI tag is a recognition of the rice’s unique qualities and its important role in Assamese culture.

August Agriculture Current Affairs 2023

AgriExam Website Provide to you August Agriculture Current Affairs 2023 for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) IFFCO, KRIBHCO, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA, ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, M.Sc. Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor, Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam.

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