Agronomy Best One Liner (19)

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Agronomy Best One Liner

Question Answer
The removal of the top of the shoot with a view to stimulate the lateral growth is referred as? Topping
Physical condition in relation to plant growth? Tilth
Arrangement of Rocks and minerals according to susceptibility to weathering?  Weathering Sequence.
Among the following, which is the monophagous insect pest?  Yellow stem borer of rice
Growing of crop in between kharif and rabi season is known as? Zaid crop
The production system where high diversity renewable and bio-degradable inputs are being used, is termed as?  Sustainable agriculture
Application of MOP is not suitable for? Tobacco
P.M.A. is a type of antitranspirants?  Stomata closing type
Semi root parasite? Striga
Sand % very low in?  Silty loam
Splitting open of a pod or fruit in characteristic manner at maturity is known as Dehiscent e.g.? Pods of pulse
Enzymes are basically?  Protein
Cao is a?  Quick lime/ Burnt lime
Kaolin is a type of antitranspirants? Reflecting type
Separation of phloem tissue from xylem tissue Ribboning

Question Answer
Most abundant protein in the world? Rubisco
Non selective, contact herbicide ?  Paraquat
Embryo development without fertilization?  Parthenocarpy
Long term persistent herbicide?  Pendimethalin
Photorespiration involves?  Oxidative photosynthetic carbon cycle
VAM helps?  P mobilization
Plant growth regulator used for sucker control in tobacco is? MH
Gundhi bug attacks at?  Milking stage.
If soil formed by deposition with the help of “ICE” is?  Morrain
RMO- is a variety of?  Mothbean
Crops growing for conservation of soil moisture known as? Mulch crop
Collagen found in? Muscle protein
Transport protein? Myglobin, Hemoglobin’s
The seed of a crop variety produced by the breeder which is small in quantity is said to be?  Nucleus seed.
Movement of P and K from soil to the root surface take place due to?  Mass flow

Agronomy Best One Liner

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