Agriculture Information

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Agriculture Information

Agriculture or farming is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, bio-fuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science.

  • The growth rate for the agriculture and allied sectors is estimated to be 2.7 per cent for 2017-18.
  • Agriculture Contribution to GDP- 17.1% in 2017-18, employed 49% of the total workforce in 2014.

Branches Of Agriculture

Agronomy:- Agronomy is a branch of agricultural that deals with the study of crops & the soils in which they grow. The work of Agronomists is to build methods that will improve the use of soil & increase the production of food and fiber crops.

Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry:- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry is traced back to the Chemical Section headed by Imperial Agricultural Chemist. Soil Science deals with the chemical, physical, biological & mineralogical composition of soils as they relate to agriculture.

Horticulture:- Horticulture is the study of plants. Horticulture includes the cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, herbs, sprouts, nuts, seeds, algae, flowers, mushrooms, seaweeds and non-food crops such as grass & ornamental trees and plants.

Agricultural Engineering:- Agricultural Engineering is the area of engineering concerned with the design, construction, agricultural structures, and improvement of farming equipment & machinery. Agricultural engineers help to integrate technology with farming.

Agriculture Statistics:- Agriculture Statistics Deals with collecting and analyzing data on various aspects of Indian agriculture with view to assist in policy making of Agriculture.

Agricultural Economics:- Economics is the science of Wealth Agricultural economics studies the allocation, utilization, and distribution of farming resources, as well as the commodities produced by farming. Agricultural economics make graduates especially attractive to agricultural / Environmental-based employers, such as government ministries, and non-governmental organizations.

Animal Science:- Animal Science program may include microbiology, genetics, animal behavior, nutrition, physiology, and reproduction. Animal Science Courses in support areas, such as genetics, soils, agricultural economics & marketing, legal aspects, and the environment also are offered.

Plant Breeding and Genetics:- Plant breeding is the process by which humans change the  characteristics of plants. Agricultural genetics is the applied study of the effects of genetic variation & selection used to propagate valuable heritable trait combinations in crop plants and farm animals.

Plant Pathology:- Plant pathology is the scientific study of diseases in plants that caused by environmental conditions and pathogens.

Seed Technology:- Seed Technology is the science that dealing with the methods of improving physical & genetical characteristics of seed.

Entomology:- Entomology concerned with the harmful and beneficial effects of insects and agricultural practice.

Forestry:- Forestry is the science, art & practice of understanding, managing and using wisely the available natural resources associated with, and derived from forest lands. It deals with production of large scale cultivation of perennial trees for supplying wood, timber, rubber, etc. and also raw materials for industries.

Fishery Science:- It is for marine fish and inland fishes including shrimps and prawns.

Agricultural Biotechnology:- Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques. that techniques used to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms. It’s applied use of molecular biology and recombinant DNA Technology

Plant Physiology:- Plant physiology is a sub-discipline of botany. The science concerned with processes, functions, plant responses to external stimulus and growth and development of plant.

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