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Q1 Which one of the following minerals is the source of P in soils?

  1. Apatite
  2. Calcite
  3. Gypsum
  4. Magnetite


Q.2 ldentify the missing number

2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, (____)

  1. 60
  2. 64
  3. 72
  4. 70


Q.3 What is the contribution of agriculture and allied sector to the countty’s GVA (2019-20)?

  1. <10%
  2. 10-15%
  3. 15-20%
  4. >20%


Q.4 Rakesh invests a certain sum at a certain rate with simple interest for 4 years. Had he invested it at 2% higher, he would have earned Rs.240 more. Find the sum he invested?

  1. Rs. 1800
  2. Rs. 2400
  3. Rs. 3000
  4. Rs. 3600

Rs. 3000

Q.5 Harmonic mean is?

  1. Reciprocal of average of values of items of a series
  2. Reciprocal of average of reciprocal of values of items of a series
  3. Average of reciprocal of values of items of a series
  4. nth root of the product of values of items of a series

Reciprocal of average of reciprocal of values of items of a series

Q.6 Government has introduced a TMA scheme to provide financial assistance for exporting specified agriculture products to international market. What does “M” in TMA stands for?

  1. Marketing
  2. Money
  3. Medium
  4. Micro


Q.7 FMD is caused by?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Virus
  3. Fungi
  4. Protozoa


Q.8 A pipe can fill a cistern in 12 hours, while another pipe can empty it in 18 hours. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, in how many hours the cistern will be filled?

  1. 24 hours
  2. 36 hours
  3. 30 hours
  4. 27 hours

36 hours

Q.9 What is the basic consumption unit for most consumer goods?

  1. Organization
  2. Individual
  3. Unit area
  4. Household


Q.10 Find the cost of carpeting a room 13 m long and 9 m broad with a carpet 75 cm wide at the value of Rs. 12.40 per square meter.?

  1. Rs. 1834.60
  2. Rs. 1680.60
  3. Rs. 1240.60
  4. Rs. 1934.40

Rs. 1934.40

Q.11 A sum of Rs.1600 gives a simple interest of Rs. 252 in 2 years and 3 months. The rate of Interest per annum is?

  1. 5.5%
  2. 8%
  3. 7%
  4. 6%


Q.12 Area receiving average annual rainfall > 1150 mm are categorized as?

  1. Dry farming
  2. Dry land farming
  3. Dry land agriculture
  4. Rainfed farming

Rainfed farming

Q.13 Galactose is also known as?

  1. Grape sugar
  2. Fruit sugar
  3. Brain sugar
  4. Malt sugar

Brain sugar

Q.14 Terracing is an effective method of soil conservation in?

  1. Desert areas
  2. Plain areas
  3. Hilly areas
  4. Riverine areas

Hilly areas

Q.15 Find out the wrong number in the sequence

25, 36, 49, 81, 121, 169, 225

  1. 36
  2. 49
  3. 121
  4. 169


Q.16 What is the monthly amount that farmers are required to invest under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana to avail the pension benefit?

  1. Rs.100
  2. Rs.500
  3. Rs.200
  4. Rs.1000


Q.17 In an examinations 42% students failed in English and 52% failed in Mathematics.If 17% failed in both the subjects, the percentage of those who passed in both the subjects is?

  1. 40%
  2. 27%
  3. 34%
  4. 23%


Q.18 Which one of the following is citrate and water-insoluble P containing fertilizer?

  1. DAP
  2. SSP
  3. Basic slag
  4. Rock phosphate

Rock phosphate

Q.19 Solar energy can be converted directly into electric energy with the help of?

  1. Photovoltaic cells
  2. Dry cell
  3. Rechargeable cell
  4. Battery

Photovoltaic cells

Q.20 Which of these is/are NOT the bacterial zoonosis?

  1. Brucellosis
  2. Leptospirosis
  3. Listeriosis
  4. All of these

All of these

Q.21 The length of a rectangle is 16 cm which is 2 cm more than the diameter of a circle. What is the area of the circle?

  1. 154 sq. cm
  2. 176
  3. 112
  4. 136

154 sq. cm

Q.22 Sugarcane crop requires maximum water at?

  1. Germination stage
  2. Maturity stage
  3. Grand growth stage
  4. All of these

Grand growth stage

Q.23 Agriculture growth is very soon likely to be hampered by scarcity of?

  1. Manmade resources
  2. International cooperation
  3. Natural resources
  4. Local coordination

Natural resources

Q.24 A rectangular water tank is 8m high, 6m long and 2.5m wide. How many liters of water can it hold?

  1. 120
  2. 1200
  3. 12000
  4. 120000


Q.25 The viral agent which produces diphagic fever, respiratory distress, nervous symptoms and hard pad diseases in dog is?

  1. Canine distemper virus
  2. ICH virus
  3. Rabies virus
  4. IBH virus

Canine distemper virus

Q.26 The use of food additives is controlled by?

  1. Delaney clause
  2. Delaware clause
  3. Additive rule
  4. Supplementary regulatory norms

Delaney clause

Q.27 If the sum of two numbers is 14 and their difference is 10, find the product of these two numbers?

  1. 18
  2. 20
  3. 24
  4. 22


Q.28 The sum of three consecutive odd natural number is 87. The smallest of these number is?

  1. 29
  2. 31
  3. 23
  4. 27


Q.29 Corona virus emerged from?

  1. Wuhan
  2. Yuhan
  3. Vunan
  4. Whvhan


Q.30 At farms, the self-propelled power unit is?

  1. Tractor
  2. Harrow
  3. Indigenous plough
  4. Rotavator


Q.31 A sum of money at simple interest doubles in 7 years. It will become four times in?

  1. 18 years
  2. 21 years
  3. 38 years
  4. 42 years

21 years

Q.32 The average collection in a cinema hall in a week was Rs. 8,224. The average collection in six days except Friday is Rs.8,094. What was the collection on Friday?

  1. Rs. 9,100
  2. Rs. 9,004
  3. Rs. 8,012
  4. Rs. 8,004

Rs. 9,004

Q.33 Find out the wrong number in the sequence

1, 8, 27, 64, 124, 216, 343

  1. 8
  2. 64
  3. 27
  4. 124


Q.34 India has set a target to phase out single-use plastics by?

  1. 2030
  2. 2025
  3. 2024
  4. 2022


Q.35 The science and art of growing grapes for wine is called

  1. Vinification
  2. Viniculture
  3. Viticulture
  4. Vineyard


Q.36 Which one of the following is NOT an element of intellectual development?

  1. Creativity
  2. Tolerance
  3. Thinking
  4. Imagination


Q.37 Fair and remunerative price is followed for which of the following crops?

  1. Cotton
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Onion
  4. Coconut

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. A and B only
  4. A and C only

B only

Q.38 Sertoli cell tumor of the testes in dog secretes?

  1. Testosterone
  2. Estrogen
  3. Androgen
  4. Prolactin


Q.39 Insert the missing number?

2, 4, 12, 48, 240, (___)

  1. 960
  2. 1440
  3. 1080
  4. 1920


Q.40 Due to an increase of 309% in the price of eggs. 3 eggs less are available for Rs. 7.80. The present rate of eggs per dozen is?

  1. Rs. 8.64
  2. Rs. 8.88
  3. Rs. 9.36
  4. Rs. 10.40

Rs. 9.36

Q.41 The surface area of a cube is 1734 Find its volume.?

  1. 5113 cm3
  2. 4913 cm3
  3. 5913 cm3
  4. 6113 cm3

4913 cm3

Q.42 Major irrigation project covers an area of?

  1. 1000 Ha
  2. >10000 Ha
  3. 5000 Ha
  4. 200 Ha

>10000 Ha

Q.43 Which one of the following is an immobile nutrient in plants?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Potash
  3. Calcium
  4. Iron


Q.44 Foul smelling diarrhoea containing fat is called as?

  1. Ceratorrhea
  2. Steatorrhea
  3. Steatitis
  4. Keratitis


Q.45 Crop drying refers to the removal of moisture by?

  1. Condensation
  2. Sublimation
  3. Transpiration
  4. Evaporation


Q.46 Yellow fever is transmitted by?

  1. Aedes aegypti
  2. Argus
  3. Ixodes scapularis
  4. Simules

Aedes aegypti

Q.47 Competency of using knowledge is called?

  1. Understanding
  2. Attitude
  3. Skill
  4. Extension


Q.48 The process of leaving off the colony by the queen is known as?

  1. Absconding
  2. Swarming
  3. Supersedure
  4. Queen excluder


Q.49 Which one of the following fuels can be produced by trans esterification of Jatropha oil?

  1. Ethanol
  2. Biogas
  3. Petroleum gas
  4. Bio-diesel


Q.50 The completely randomized design (CRD) of experimental design involves which of the following principles?

  1. Randomization
  2. Replication
  3. Local control
  4. Homogeneity

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A only
  2. A and B only
  3. A, B and Conly
  4. A, B, C and D

A and B only

Q.51 Group of people living in more or less compact continuous geographical area, having a sense of belonging and meeting their basic needs through a common set of institutions is known as?

  1. Neighbourhood
  2. Society
  3. Community
  4. Rural society


Q.52 All the grain legumes have a high rate of respiration because of?

  1. Carbon Mechanism
  2. More vegetative growth
  3. Semi spreading
  4. Pod position

Carbon Mechanism

Q.53 The optimum number of treatments studied in Latin square design is?

  1. 2-4
  2. 15-20
  3. 5-12
  4. >20


Q.54 KVK was recommended by?

  1. Manmohan Singh Mehta Committee
  2. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
  3. Ashok Singh Mehta Committee
  4. Mohan Singh Mehta Committee

Mohan Singh Mehta Committee

Q.55 A certain number of men can do a work in 60 days. If there were 8 men more, it could be finished in 10 days less. How many men are there?

  1. 27
  2. 35
  3. 45
  4. 40


Q.56 In waterlogged soil, the concentration of which one of the following is high?

  1. Ethane
  2. Methane
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Carbon monoxide



Q.57 Drip irrigation is most suitable for?

  1. Acid soil
  2. Alkaline soil
  3. Saline soil
  4. All the above

Saline soil

Q.58 M.B. Plough is used as?

  1. Secondany tillage
  2. Inter culturing
  3. Primary tillage
  4. Any other tillage implement

Primary tillage

Q.59 The best method to study growth and development of child is?

  1. Psychoanalytic method
  2. Comparative method
  3. Developmental method
  4. Statistical method

Developmental method

Q.60 Which one of the following is a double-stranded DNA isometric virus?

  1. Cauliflower mosaic virus
  2. Tomato mosaic virus
  3. Tomato leaf curl virus
  4. Potato mosaic virus

Cauliflower mosaic virus

Q.61 The average of 7 consecutive numbers is 20. The largest of these numbers is?

  1. 24
  2. 20
  3. 23
  4. 22


Q.62 Botanical name of Lucerne is?

  1. Medicago saliva
  2. Medicago sativa
  3. Medicago stevia
  4. Medicago selvena

Medicago sativa

Q.63 What does “T” stand for in NITI Aayog?

  1. Talent
  2. Training
  3. Transforming
  4. Technical


Q.64 Match List I with List II

List I List II
A.Double cropping I.Growing 2 or more crops simultaneously on the same field
B.Inter cropping II.Cultivation of crop regrowth after harvest
C.Mixed cropping III.Growing 2 or more crops simultaneously with no distinct row arrangement
D.Ratoon cropping IV.Growing 2 crops per year in a sequence

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A-IV, B- III, C- I, D – II
  2. A -IV, B-I,C- III, D -II
  3. A -II, B-III,C- I, D – IV
  4. A -II, B-I, C-III, D -IV

A -IV, B-I,C- III, D -II

Q.65 At a standard pressure and temperature, the weight per unit volume of the grain is known as?

  1. Mass
  2. Density
  3. Volume
  4. Specific gravity


Q.66 A man performs 2/15 of the total jouney by rail 9/20 by bus and remaining 10 km on the cycle. His total journey is?

  1. 31.2 km
  2. 38.4 km
  3. 32.8 km
  4. 24 km

24 km

Q.67 Gradual decrease in response, on repeated administration of drug is called?

  1. Tolerance
  2. Tachyphylaxis
  3. Desensitization
  4. Withdrawal syndrome


Q.68 Integrated fish farming system may be based on which of the following systems?

  1. Agri-aquaculture
  2. Livestock-fish
  3. Multi-utlization
  4. Polyculture

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. A and B only
  4. A, B and C only

A, B and C only

Q.69 The unit of energy is?

  1. Pascal
  2. Joule
  3. Kilo watt
  4. Richter



The table given here shows the production of five types of tractors by a company in the year 2012 to 2017. Study the table and answer the questions that follow

Table: Production of Tractors by a Company

Company /Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
A 8 20 16 17 21 6 88
B 16 10 14 12 12 14 78
C 21 17 16 15 13 8 90
D 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
E 25 18 19 30 14 27 133
Total 74 71 75 90 80 86 476


SubQuestion No: 70

Q.70 In which year the production of tractors of all types taken together was approximately equal to the average of the total production during the period?

  1. 2012
  2. 2014
  3. 2016
  4. 2017



The table given here shows the production of five types of tractors by a company in the year 2012 to 2017. Study the table and answer the questions that follow

Table: Production of Tractors by a Company

Company /Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
A 8 20 16 17 21 6 88
B 16 10 14 12 12 14 78
C 21 17 16 15 13 8 90
D 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
E 25 18 19 30 14 27 133
Total 74 71 75 90 80 86 476


SubQuestion No: 71

Q.71 During the period 2012-2017, in which type of tractors was there a continuous increase in production?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D



The table given here shows the production of five types of tractors by a company in the year 2012 to 2017. Study the table and answer the questions that follow

Table: Production of Tractors by a Company

Company /Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
A 8 20 16 17 21 6 88
B 16 10 14 12 12 14 78
C 21 17 16 15 13 8 90
D 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
E 25 18 19 30 14 27 133
Total 74 71 75 90 80 86 476


SubQuestion No : 72

Q.72 In which year the total production of tractors of types A and B together was equal to the total production of tractors of types C and D together?

  1. 2013
  2. 2014
  3. 2017
  4. None of these

None of these


The table given here shows the production of five types of tractors by a company in the year 2012 to 2017. Study the table and answer the questions that follow

Table: Production of Tractors by a Company

Company /Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
A 8 20 16 17 21 6 88
B 16 10 14 12 12 14 78
C 21 17 16 15 13 8 90
D 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
E 25 18 19 30 14 27 133
Total 74 71 75 90 80 86 476


SubQuestion No: 73

Q.73 The percent increase in total production of all types of tractors in 2015 to that in 2014 was?

  1. 15
  2. 25
  3. 20
  4. 30



The table given here shows the production of five types of tractors by a company in the year 2012 to 2017. Study the table and answer the questions that follow

Table: Production of Tractors by a Company

Company /Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
A 8 20 16 17 21 6 88
B 16 10 14 12 12 14 78
C 21 17 16 15 13 8 90
D 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
E 25 18 19 30 14 27 133
Total 74 71 75 90 80 86 476


SubQuestion No: 74

Q.74 The production of which type of tractors was 25% of the total production of all types of tractors during 2016?

  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A



The given pie chart shows the spending by a family on various items during the year 2001. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow


SubQuestion No: 75

Q.75 Graph shows that the maximum amount was spent on?

  1. Food
  2. Housing
  3. Clothing
  4. Others



The given pie chart shows the spending by a family on various items during the year 2001. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow


SubQuestion No: 76

Q.76 If the total expenditure of the year 2001 was Rs. 46000 the family saved during the year?

  1. Rs. 1,500
  2. Rs. 15,000
  3. Rs. 6,900
  4. Rs. 5,000

Rs. 6,900


The given pie chart shows the spending by a family on various items during the year 2001. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow


SubQuestion No : 77

Q.77 The ratio of the total amount of money spent on housing to that spent on education was?

  1. 5:2
  2. 2:5
  3. 4:5
  4. 5:4



The given pie chart shows the spending by a family on various items during the year 2001. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow


SubQuestion No: 78

Q.78 if total amount spent was Rs. 46000, how much was spent on clothing and housing together?

  1. Rs. 11,500
  2. Rs. 1,150
  3. Rs. 10,000
  4. Rs. 15,000

Rs. 11,500


The given pie chart shows the spending by a family on various items during the year 2001. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow


SubQuestion No: 79

Q.79 If the total amount spent during the year 2001 was Rs. 46000, the amount spent on food was?

  1. Rs. 2,000
  2. Rs. 10,580
  3. Rs. 23,000
  4. Rs. 2,300

Rs. 10,580


Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

Many years ago, I was the chief guest at a function. This was held in a hostel for poor students that had been built by a philanthropist. Food and shelter were free, but students had to bear other expenses like tuition and clothing.

In my younger days, I have come across many families who would look after students who were economically backward but otherwise bright. They used to help them with their fees or clothing and often with their food as well. In those days most colleges were located in larger towns. Many poor students who came to study in these towns used to stay with these families and would be treated as part of the family. The women of the house considered this a good deed and helped the poor students wholeheartedly. Today the situation is different. Even smaller towns have schools and colleges, so this custom has disappeared.

While I was sitting on the dais, I remembered the past and congratulated the person who had built the hostel. It was a good deed and of great help to many students. The hostel secretary told me about some of the students in the hostel who had secured ranks but had a problem paying their tuition fees.

He said “Madam, this year we have three students from different disciplines who have secured ranks. All of them are from extremely poor families. They have one more year to complete their degree. “What are they studying? “One is medicine, the second in engineering and third in commerce” Can I meet them after the function?”

The function went on as usual. Often, at such functions, too much praise is lavished on the chief guest. Sometimes, they even make exaggerated and false claims about the chief guest.I feel this unnecessary praising is the highest form of corruption, where people are easily fooled, and it encourages those who are praised to develop an inflated opinion of themselves. That’s why in the twelfth century, in Karnataka the great revolutionary leader Basaveshwara warned in his teaching that praise is like a golden gallows. After the function,I met the three poor bright boys whom the secretary had told me about. They were a little puzzled, shy and nervous. All of them had the same story. Father in a smaljob unable to make ends meet, large families back in the village. no land or any other assets. Only sheer determination to excel in studies had brought them here against all odds.

SubQuestion No : 80

Q.80 Why has the practice of students from villages staying with families in towns stopped nowadays?

  1. Families have found education has become very expensive
  2. Higher education is available to students even in smaller towns
  3. There is no need for students to go in for higher education these days
  4. The situation is altogether different as the educational structure has changed

Higher education is available to students even in smaller towns


Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

Many years ago, I was the chief guest at a function. This was held in a hostel for poor students that had been built by a philanthropist. Food and shelter were free, but students had to bear other expenses like tuition and clothing.

In my younger days, I have come across many families who would look after students who were economically backward but otherwise bright. They used to help them with their fees or clothing and often with their food as well. In those days most colleges were located in larger towns. Many poor students who came to study in these towns used to stay with these families and would be treated as part of the family. The women of the house considered this a good deed and helped the poor students wholeheartedly. Today the situation is different. Even smaller towns have schools and colleges, so this custom has disappeared.

While I was sitting on the dais, I remembered the past and congratulated the person who had built the hostel. It was a good deed and of great help to many students. The hostel secretary told me about some of the students in the hostel who had secured ranks but had a problem paying their tuition fees.

He said “Madam, this year we have three students from different disciplines who have secured ranks. All of them are from extremely poor families. They have one more year to complete their degree.” What are they studying? One is medicine, the second in engineering and third in commerce” Can I meet them after the function?”

The function went on as usual. Often, at such functions, too much praise is lavished on the chief guest. Sometimes, they even make exaggerated and false claims about the chief guest. I feel this unnecessary praising is the highest form of corruption, where people are easily fooled, and it encourages those who are praised to develop an inflated opinion of themselves. That’s why in the twelfth century, in Karnataka the great revolutionary leader Basaveshwara warned in his teaching that praise is like a golden gallows. After the function I met the three poor bright boys whom the secretary had told me about. They were a little puzzled, shy and nervous. All of them had the same story. Father in a small job unable to make ends meet, large families back in the village. no land or any other assets. Only sheer determination to excel in studies had brought them here against all odds.

SubQuestion No: 81

Q.81 What does the author dislike about functions?

  1. The false or exaggerated praise showered on the chief guest
  2. Selection of corrupt person as chief guest
  3. The awkward situation created by the audience
  4. The shyness and nervousness of the audience

The false or exaggerated praise showered on the chief guest


Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

Many years ago, I was the chief guest at a function. This was held in a hostel for poor students that had been built by a philanthropist. Food and shelter were free, but students had to bear other expenses like tuition and clothing.

In my younger days, I have come across many families who would look after students who were economically backward but otherwise bright. They used to help them with their fees or clothing and often with their food as well. In those days most colleges were located in larger towns. Many poor students who came to study in these towns used to stay with these families and would be treated as part of the family. The women of the house considered this a good deed and helped the poor students wholeheartedly. Today the situation is different. Even smaller towns have schools and colleges, so this custom has disappeared.

While I was sitting on the dais, I remembered the past and congratulated the person who had built the hostel. It was a good deed and of great help to many students. The hostel secretary told me about some of the students in the hostel who had secured ranks but had a problem paying their tuition fees.

He said Madam, this year we have three students from different disciplines who have secured ranks. All of them are from extremely poor families. They have one more year to complete their degree. “What are they studying? One is medicine, the second in engineering and third in commerce” Can I meet them after the function?”

The function went on as usual. Often, at such functions, too much praise is lavished on the chief guest. Sometimes, they even make exaggerated and false claims about the chief guest. I feel this unnecessary praising is the highest form of corruption, where people are easily fooled, and it encourages those who are praised to develop an inflated opinion of themselves. That’s why in the twelfth century. in Karnataka the great revolutionary leader Basaveshwara warned in his teaching that praise is like a golden gallows. After the function, met the three poor bright boys whom the secretary had told me about. They were a little puzzled, shy and nervous. All of them had the same story. Father in a small job unable to make ends meet, large families back in the village, no land or any other assets. Only sheer determination to excel in studies had brought them here against all odds.

SubQuestion No : 82

Q.82 How did poor students manage their expenses in towns, if a college education was not available to them in their villages?

  1. They used to get regular help from the philanthropist
  2. Their fees and clothing expenses were borne by the college
  3. Many families used to provide them facilities on payment
  4. They got help for fees, clothing food etc. from families in those towns

They got help for fees, clothing food etc. from families in those towns


Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

Many years ago, I was the chief guest at a function. This was held in a hostel for poor students that had been built by a philanthropist. Food and shelter were free, but students had to bear other expenses like tuition and clothing.

In my younger days, I have come across many families who would look after students who were economically backward but otherwise bright. They used to help them with their fees or clothing and often with their food as well. In those days most colleges were located in larger towns. Many poor students who came to study in these towns used to stay with these families and would be treated as part of the family. The women of the house considered this a good deed and helped the poor students wholeheartedly. Today the situation is different. Even smaller towns have schools and colleges, so this custom has disappeared.

While I was sitting on the dais, I remembered the past and congratulated the person who had built the hostel. It was a good deed and of great help to many students. The hostel secretary told me about some of the students in the hostel who had secured ranks but had a problem paying their tuition fees.

He said “Madam, this year we have three students from different disciplines who have secured ranks. All of them are from extremely poor families. They have one more year to complete their degree.” “What are they studying? “One is medicine, the second in engineering and third in commerce” Can I meet them after the function?

The function went on as usual. Often, at such functions, too much praise is lavished on the chief guest. Sometimes, they even make exaggerated and false claims about the chief guest. I feel this unnecessary praising is the highest form of corruption, where people are easily fooled, and it encourages those who are praised to develop an inflated opinion of themselves. That’s why in the twelfth century. in Karnataka the great revolutionary leader Basaveshwara warned in his teaching that praise is like a golden gallows. After the function. I met the three poor bright boys whom the secretary had told me about. They were a little puzzled, shy and nervous. All of them had the same story. Father in a small job unable to make ends meet, large families back in the village, no land or any other assets. Only sheer determination to excel in studies had brought them here against all odds.

SubQuestion No : 83

Q.83 The three students had come to attend college because of their?

  1. Family insistence
  2. Poor financial background
  3. Strong willpower
  4. Faith in philanthropists

Strong willpower


Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

Many years ago, I was the chief guest at a function. This was held in a hostel for poor students that had been built by a philanthropist. Food and shelter were free, but students had to bear other expenses like tuition and clothing.

In my younger days. I have come across many families who would look after students who were economically backward but otherwise bright. They used to help them with their fees or clothing and often with their food as well. In those days most colleges were located in larger towns. Many poor students who came to study in these towns used to stay with these families and would be treated as part of the family. The women of the house considered this a good deed and helped the poor students wholeheartedly. Today the situation is different. Even smaller towns have schools and colleges, so this custom has disappeared.

While I was sitting on the dais, I remembered the past and congratulated the person who had built the hostel. It was a good deed and of great help to many students. The hostel secretary told me about some of the students in the hostel who had secured ranks but had a problem paying their tuition fees.

He said “Madam, this year we have three students from different disciplines who have secured ranks. All of them are from extremely poor families. They have one more year to complete their degree. “What are they studying? One is medicine, the second in engineering and third in commerce” Can I meet them after the function?

The function went on as usual. Often, at such functions, too much praise is lavished on the chief guest. Sometimes, they even make exaggerated and false claims about the chief guest.I feel this unnecessary praising is the highest form of corruption, where people are easily fooled, and it encourages those who are praised to develop an inflated opinion of themselves. That’s why in the twelfth century, in Karnataka the great revolutionary leader Basaveshwara warned in his teaching that praise is like a golden gallows. After the function,I met the three poor bright boys whom the secretary had told me about. They were a little puzzled, shy and nervous. All of them had the same story. Father in a small job unable to make ends meet, large families back in the village, no land or any other assets. Only sheer determination to excel in studies had brought them here against all odds.

SubQuestion No : 84

Q.84 Which of the following was NOT a common factors among the students?

  1. Subjects of study
  2. Family background
  3. Lack of resources
  4. Intelligence

Subjects of study

Q.85 Two countries will have no incentive to trade in two goods, if?

  1. The opportunity cost for both countries in producing two goods is same
  2. One country has absolute advantages in the production of both goods
  3. One country has comparative advantages in the production of both goods
  4. None of the above

The opportunity cost for both countries in producing two goods is same

Q.86 Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for fertilizers?

  1. Subsidy is paid directly to the farmers on the basis of actual purchase from the retailers
  2. Subsidy is released to the fertilizer companies on the basis of actual sale to the beneficiaries by the retailers
  3. Sale is made through point of sale (POS) devices
  4. Beneficiaries are identified by Aadhar card, KCC

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. A, C and D only
  4. B, C and D only

B, C and D only

Q.87 Match the synonyms of words in List I with List II

List I List II
A.Voracious I.Unsuccessful
B.Abortive II.Holding fast
C.Tenacious III.Experimentall
D.Tentative IV.Ravenous

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A -IV, B- III, C -II, D -I
  2. A -I, B – IV, C – II, D-III
  3. A -II, B-I,C- IV, D-III
  4. A -IV, B-I,C-II, D – III

A -IV, B-I,C-II, D – III

Q.88 Which one of the following is a non-probability sampling?

  1. Quota sampling
  2. Systematic sampling
  3. Cluster sampling
  4. Area sampling

Quota sampling

Q.89 List I with List II

List I List II
(Species) (Leading States)
A.Poultry I.Andhra Pradesh
B.Cattle II.Tamil Nadu
C.Fish III.Telangana
D.Sheep IV.West Bengal

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A -IV, B- II, C – I, D -III
  2. A -II, B- I, C- IV, D – III
  3. A – II, B -IV, C-I, D-III
  4. A -IV, B -I, C- II, D – III

A – II, B -IV, C-I, D-III

Q.90 Macro-economic theory is also Called?

  1. Income theory
  2. Price theory
  3. National theory
  4. Consumption theory

Income theory

Q.91 When a large number of sellers deal with heterogeneous and differentiated commodity, then it is called?

  1. Perfect competition
  2. Monopoly
  3. Oligopoly
  4. Monopolistic competition

Monopolistic competition

Q.92 Which of the following would replace the underlined text to improve the sentence?

Anusha has very good habits. Every night before bedtime, she reads a book singing.a song and says a prayer.

  1. Reads a book, sings a song and says a prayer
  2. Reads a book singing a song and says a prayer
  3. Reading a book, sing a song and said a prayer
  4. Reading a book, singing a song and says a prayer

Reads a book, sings a song and says a prayer

Q.93 Premium payment rate in case of horticultural crops under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) is?

  1. 1.5%
  2. 2%
  3. 3%
  4. 5%


Q.94 Commodity exchange enables producers and consumers to hedge which one of the following given the uncertainty of the future?

  1. Price risk
  2. Seasonal risk
  3. Weather risk
  4. Production risk

Price risk

Q.95 Find the meaning of the given bold phrasal verb

Run into

  1. Meet by chance
  2. To collide
  3. To argue
  4. To run towards something

Meet by chance

Q.96 Fahrenheit scale is an example of?

  1. Nominal scale
  2. Ordinal scale
  3. Interval scale
  4. Ratio scale

Interval scale

Q.97 Which of the following is/are characteristics of an entrepreneur?

  1. Risk-taker
  2. Strong financial background
  3. Effective communicator
  4. Knowledge across sectors

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A and B only
  2. A and C only
  3. B and C only
  4. B and D only

A and C only

Q.98 Which of the following words would most appropriately complete the given sentence?

We need more information before we can reach a _________.

  1. Development
  2. Fact
  3. Design
  4. Decision


Q.99 Codex Alimentarius Commission came in?

  1. 1955
  2. 1963 
  3. 1970
  4. 1975


Q.100 Which of the following phrases could suitably replace the phrase highlighted in the given sentence, without changing its sense?

A true friend never blows hot and cold one another

  1. Gets in a temper
  2. Supports and opposes
  3. Gets dishonest
  4. Loses trust and faith

Supports and opposes

Q.101 Lower rate of agricultural mechanization in India is because of?

  1. Small farm holding
  2. Credit unavailability
  3. Low awareness
  4. High cost of ownership

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A and B only
  2. A and C only
  3. B and C only
  4. B and D only

A and C only

Q.102 The per capita availability of milk per day in India (2018-19) is?

  1. 294 g
  2. 394 g
  3. 494 g
  4. 594 g

394 g

Q.103 The entrepreneur who copies technique and technology innovated by others is?

  1. Innovative entrepreneur
  2. Drone entrepreneur
  3. Imitative entrepreneur
  4. Fabian entrepreneur

Imitative entrepreneur

Q.104 Match List I with List II

List I List II
(Middlemen) (Function)
A.Hamals I.Buy and sell on their own
B.Commission agents II.Job of loading and unloading in the market
C.Merchant III.Brings together buyer and seller on the same platform For negotiation
D.Brokers IV.Takes over physical handling of the produce and arranges for sale

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A-IV, B- III, C – I, D-II
  2. A-II, B- IV, C- I, D- III
  3. A-IV, B-I,C- III, D -II
  4. A -II, B- III, C – IV, D-I

A-II, B- IV, C- I, D- III

Q.105 Find the meaning of the given bold phrasal verb

Count On

  1. Estimate
  2. Forecast
  3. Depend
  4. Include


Q.106 Which of the following words would most appropriately complete the given sentence?

Computers are useless ______ you know how to use them.

  1. Therefore
  2. If
  3. Unless
  4. Hence


Q.107 India stands at first position with respect to number of?

  1. Cattle
  2. Buffalo
  3. Goat
  4. Sheep
  5. Total livestock

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A only
  2. A and B only
  3. A, B and D only
  4. A, B and E only

A, B and E only

Q.108 Which of the following statement/s is/are true with respect to agricultural credit in India?

  1. A.Agricultural credit is very low in eastern states
  2. B.Agricultural credit is high in southern states
  3. C.Agricultural credit is uniformly distributed across states in India
  4. D.Agricultural credit is low in western states

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. A and B only
  4. A, B and D only

B only

Q.109 The consumers’ surplus is worked out by?

  1. What the consumer is willing to pay-what he actually pays
  2. What the consumer paid -Total utility gained
  3. What the consumer is willing to pay – marginal utility gained
  4. What the consumer paid – balanced amount left with consumer

What the consumer is willing to pay-what he actually pays

Q.110 Federation exists at which level of cooperative marketing societies?

  1. Village
  2. District
  3. State
  4. Country


Q.111 eNAM an online trading platform was started during?

  1. 2014
  2. 2015
  3. 2016
  4. 2017


Q.112 Which of the following phrases could suitably replace the highlighted phrase in the sentence given below, without changing its meaning?

This is an organization which helps the poor by providing loans mostly at less rates of Interest.

  1. At much smaller
  2. With such lower
  3. At very low
  4. For so little

At very low

Q.113 The goods which have positive income elasticity of demand are called?

  1. Giffen goods
  2. Normal goods
  3. Inferior goods
  4. Positive goods

Normal goods

Q.114 The milk production in India in 2018-19 stands at?

  1. 128 million tonnes
  2. 158 million tonnes
  3. 188 million tonnes
  4. 218 million tonnes

188 million tonnes

Q.115 Market modification, product modification, market program modification strategy come in which stage of product life cycle?

  1. Maturity
  2. Growth
  3. Decline
  4. Introduction


Q.116 Match the antonyms of words in List I with List II

List I List II
A.Withdraw I.Sincere
B.Heartfelt II.Advance
C.Pit III.Peak
D.Rotund IV.Thin

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
  2. A-II, B-I, C-IV, – III
  3. A -III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
  4. A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I


Q.117 Excel is an example of?

  1. A spreadsheet
  2. An expert system
  3. A database
  4. Artificial intelligence

A spreadsheet

Q.118 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) provides all farmer families in India an income support of?

  1. 6,000 per month
  2. 76,000 per year
  3. 12,000 per month
  4. 12,000 per year

76,000 per year

Q.119 Which one of the following is NOT one of the P’s of marketing mix?

  1. Price
  2. Place
  3. Promotion
  4. Partner


Q.120 Which of the following would replace the underlined text to improve the sentence?

In the 20th century, the average life span in India for a working class family was 12 years less than.a member of the aristocracy.

  1. Of a member of the aristocracy
  2. That of a member of the aristocracy
  3. Those of member of the aristocracy
  4. A member of the aristocracy

That of a member of the aristocracy


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